What are ya playing?

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Been playing Bioshock Infinite. Beat it on Hard mode and I'm now slugging it out in 1999 mode... more like easy pussy mode, amiirite? The story itself was fine until the multi-dimension bulllshit. It was a shitty plot device in Star Trek and it's shitty in Bioshock.

I'm also playing Contagion (Left 4 Dead clone except you respawn as zombies when you die) and Shadowrun Returns.
cyberjim2000, is Contagion good?

I was playing Shadowrun Returns a while ago but put it on hold... it's a little tricky to get back into. I enjoyed the game for the most part though.

Can anyone tell me if The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is worth playing? I bought a copy for my brother as an early Christmas present and now I'm tempted to buy myself one.

I'm also still playing Assassin's Creed IV: Blackflag on the PS4... kinda ignoring the storyline and spending most of my time looting and plundering.
Only with people you know talking through Teamspeak or Skype (or in the same room via local multiplayer). Like I seriously can't imagine playing Contagion with a bunch of strangers but there's one fun game mode where you go last man standing deathmatch style with a bunch of NPC zombies. When you die, you respawn as a zombie and it is fun trying to blend in with the NPC zombies while trying to sneak up on someone. I busted out laughing over Skype when a friend turned toward me and I ran behind a van as a zombie. I'd seriously wait until it's less than $5 again or whenever it's out of beta.
Started playing Tales of Xillia, only like 2 hours in but I quite like it so far.

And of course Gran Turismo 6 just came out so obviously that too.
Recently upgraded to the Skyrim: Legendary Edition.

Turns out Minaak's a real pushover when you're a rampaging level 56-ish Imperial with Legendary Two-Handed and Heavy Armour skills in all Stahlrim Heavy gear hardened up to Legendary level and wielding a Flawless magic greatsword that shoots bolts of energy when you use power attacks.
Sounds Lgendary.

Still playing AC1 - looking for flags! I missed Lucy's dialog achievement too :(
Just finished the storyline of Assassin's Creed IV: Blackflag on the PS4.

Overall I had a lot of fun with this game. The whole pirating thing was very enjoyable. I wasn't and am still not too fond of the modern day futuristic stuff, but I enjoyed the actual game itself. The storyline seemed a bit out of place at times and honestly not that memorable, but it was a fun ride for the most part.
I'm picking away at the Battlefield 4 campaign. I'm enjoying it a lot! BF3's campaign was unplayable, no exaggeration. So this is a step up!
Also, for the record, in no game before has it ever made less sense to be a silent protagonist.
I'm thinking of Battlefield 4 for the PS4, but I think my next game will probably be The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds for the 3Ds.
I've started playing the "Aveline" DLC for Assassin's Creed IV: Blackflag. It's not that great. It feels like a very linear version of Assassin's Creed III but with nicer graphics.

Freedom Cry might be good though, I believe that comes out either today or tomorrow?
I decided to give the Last of Us a second chance, because I made it a few hours, went "Nah," and played GTA5 instead a few months back.

I made it a few more hours in and it's pretty good. Not amazing though, because all I can think when I play is "This would be better if it wasn't a game." Like, the story is pretty good, and I assume it gets even better, but the gameplay is just so... not. Like, the stealth parts are fun, but when it forces you into a place with a bunch of enemies you have to kill or, god forbid, the crappy horde parts, all I can think is "I could probably just watch someone else play this and have a better time." And the other problem it has is that for every 10 minutes of actual gameplay, there's five minutes of cutscenes. The story is good, but that's about it.

Kinda like B:I, except not as problematic.
I'm dying to play The Last of Us again but I feel like it resonates well enough after just one play through. I though Bioshock Infinite's gameplay was better for Bioshock, but TLoU definitely has better gameplay, especially as you do more combat, get better at the controls, have more weapons, get more creative, see more of the combat encounters.
Just finished AC2. You guys were right, that was freaking awesome. I guess my next game is Brotherhood!
Survival on TLOU is awfully intense. You get next to nothing and the enemies swarm and chase quickly. I'm trying to avoid a lot more and having mixed results.
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