What are ya playing?

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It's kinda of ruining my experience. You can tell the game is just taking extra seconds to figure out what SQUARE action to do. Pick stuff up, open rift, bring in your artillery, go screw yourself, do nothing and die impotently.
I liked the gameplay more than the first Bioshock, probably because it was impossible to get lost with Elizabeth (though I would, I'd get lost with her so hard), but ultimate it's the story that sold me. Are you playing on Hard? Anything normal and above is pretty stupid.
danielrbischoff said:
I liked the gameplay more than the first Bioshock
On another day, I would make fun of you so hard for this.

But you're playing Hotline Miami, so I'll call it even. How are you liking it?
danielrbischoff said:
About to finish.
Are you on like chapter 13 or something?

And I could honestly see the Vita controls as not being too hot. The PC controls are really good, but it's so reliant on the mouse.
I picked up a copy of Diablo III for PS3. I thought it would be a good couch multiplayer game with mates, because you can play with four people on the one console/TV.

I've been playing solo for now, rolled a Demon Hunter and... it's been really easy. Within about three days and not that much playing I got a level 31 character in Nightmare mode now, and when ever I encounter major bosses I seem to be able to beat them by myself in under a minute.

Also the amount of legendary drops seems to have increased from the PC game... half of my character's items are legendary - with a bunch more thrown away in my stash because I don't use them anymore. Mean while back on the PC, I was lucky to find just ONE legendary item.
Diablo 3 for PS3 needs more hotkeys...Like the game started as a witch doctor, got to level 20, erased save and started over as a monk...didn't really understand how to level the blacksmith up thus the erasing of the save vs simply starting a new character. I used a necromancer on PC in Diablo 2 but seems the monk is more fun on console due to lack of hotkeys...
Green_Lantern said:
It has the same exact number of hot keys on the PC version.

I haven't played since diablo 2 back in like 2003 so for some reason thought there were more hot keys. At the least, you should be able to summon and switch hot keys. e.g. when I was the necromancer I would summon a golem but since it stayed summoned, I could switch the hot key to a long range spell with shorter cooldown time. With the witch doctor I wanted to be able summon the gargantuan and then switch the hotkey to something else that doesn't have a long cooldown but if you switch the hotkey the gargantuan is unsummoned...so I just miss creating a straight up undead army and then having the hot keys simply as spell and health casters.

So no extra hotkeys but summons shouldn't dissipate when keys are reassigned
Diablo 3 on the PS3 seems to have the same amount of hotkeys for skills, as Diablo 3 on the PC has.

Diablo 3 really feels like it was originally built for PC, due to the simplified structure of skills and hotkeys.

I don't know whether or not it's because of patch updates or because it's on another console, but Diablo 3 on the PS3 feels very easy.

When I fought Belial in Act 2 on PC, I couldn't beat him alone and I had to do it with the help of my friend (a Barbarian). When I played on PS3, well... I took down Belial solo in under thirty seconds.

Okay, honestly, the biggest drawback of this game is the speed at which you move. If it wasn't for the fact that I increase my speed attribute to 75+ at the start of the game, I'd never make it through.

Besides that, I'm trying a more sword based approach to the game. It's gonna be fuuuuun going against cliff racers.
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chonicles via PS+

I played Darkside Chonicles first since I love RE 2 and Code Veronica.They're actually my two favourite RE titles besides RE4. So far it's an awesome HD remake of the originals. I like how it's been redone as a rail shooter although part of me wishes it was like Resident Evil's remake on the Gamecube. Also the lips haven't been redone in English during gameplay, so I noticed the bad lip dubbing on the characters as they spoke in Japanese. I try to play all my games without subtitles so it was very noticeable.

But regardless, I haven't played RE2 and Code Veronica in probably 10 years so I loved the nostalgia. Letting the rail shooter style walk you through the game is a nice trip down memory lane. It's amazing how I still knew RE2 inside and out, I played the hell out of that game.

There were even times where I would think "that's not what happened, you're remembering it wrong Leon!!!" LOL
Must've been the sickness, picked up Bioshock last night and finished the final battle in one quick try. (Btw I lost 8 lbs)

That was a very cool ending. A lot of what I thought was going on ended up being where the ending concluded. Pretty crazy and lots of fun. Think I'm good without DLC for now though.
The Rapture one looks interesting but...they tied that story up pretty damn well so I can't say that I'm inclined to do anything differently or go through a different door.
Longo_2_guns said:
Wanted to go back to that, but Gothic II Gold Edition was discounted to $2.50 on GameFly, so I've started that instead.

Also gone back to Diablo III, and it's a shame I can't play it with my brothers over PSN. Trying to get all 5 of my characters through act III.

Playing Dynasty Warriors 8 on PS3. Attempting the 100 consecutive battles with Guo Huai, now that I've gotten all 790 allies and maxed my fame. Need some Red Hare to go with that Tongquetai.
Bioshock was indeed an incredible game. I also played it for the first time this year and was blown away. I can imagine how friggin awesome it was for gamers when it was all the rage in 2007.
Playing Mass Effect 3 again for PC... this time with all the DLC I missed - Omega, Livathon, Citadel and of course, the extended ending.
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