What are ya playing?

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Right now, my buy list consists of only Killer is Dead and GTA5. Partly because I have no money for games, but whatever.

But I ain't gonna commit to no Diablo 3.
I think I might pick up Diablo III for the PS3 mostly because of the multiplayer, it looks like a good couch party kinda game you can sit down and play with mates. I also happen to own four PS3 controllers so it works out.

Still playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist for PC, multiplayer of course. My next game on the list is GTA: V.
Finished Dead Space 1 and 2 now on 3. First 2 were pretty good, liking the progression and at the 3rd chapter of 3 I am digging the weapon creation system. I honestly like the suit progression system in 1 the best. The subtle additions aesthetically as you go from level 1 to 5 was pretty cool in my book and none of the subsequent suit models give me that same feeling. I understand the practical part but it was nice to see the progression reminiscent of upgrading the weapons in the first bioshock
What's your favourite part of dead space so far then? Mine has to be either the train scene in the 2nd, or the end of chapter 5...with the tormentor, the double crossing bitch, and the government ship attacking all at once!
MattAY said:
What's your favourite part of dead space so far then? Mine has to be either the train scene in the 2nd, or the end of chapter 5...with the tormentor, the double crossing bitch, and the government ship attacking all at once!

That's a tough one because they are kind of melding together in my head now...but I really like the chapter break formula of 1 but the zero g sections in 2 were a lot more fun specifically the array section and the section where you have to fly through some type of grinder mechanisms (tough to place chapters due to the smoother transitions of 2). As opposed to a favorite part I can say I like the need to utilize various guns in 2 more which lead to really creative kill room set ups with the detonator. It seemed in 2 there were more sections I had to focus on come type of strategy with the different weapons on hand as I died much more often and I purposely tried to use various other weapons in my play through of 2 (e.g. 1- plasma cutter, force gun, ripper, line gun (whole game) / 2- plasma cutter, pulse rifle, detonator, and javelin or ripper). For ammo conservation I simply couldn't beat having a ripper with me in both games.
I know what you mean Shandog. Using the laser-trip mines against those sneaky stalkers is so damn satisfying.

I dont like the looks of Payday 2, it looks like it'll get boring after about 5 games?
...Maybe I just need more friends....

Longo_2_guns said:
So alone...
I just got a job! So that means I can afford to buy a game or 2 now. Payday 2 is cheap(er), so I'll probably get that on PC, and then I'll play with whoever else has it on that platform.
Diablo just seems really well suited for consoles.

Plus my right index finger thanks me for not having to constantly click the mouse button.
40 hours and 367 deaths later, I've finally beat Spelunky the hard way AKA To Hell and back. It will go down as one of my greatest gaming achievements. So tense, sweaty and nerve wrecking.

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