
Do you like U2?

  • They kick ass!

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  • They suck!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They're ok

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I only like their 80's stuff

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I only like their 90's stuff

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I only like their post 2000 stuff

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


To be honest, I never got into them but lately I'm finding myself listening to a lot of their stuff. I'm really getting into their 80's songs but I'm slowly becoming a bigger fan. I dunno what it is, I guess I just never gave them a chance.

What do you guys think?
Beware, it's become trendy to give U2 a bunch of unreasonable hate these days, much like Coldplay.
I personally would have ranked them right between "They kick ass!" and "They're ok." I rounded up simply because they're not just some mediocre band.
Unlike most people, I actually like their 90s stuff most out of all of their albums. Pop and Zooropa are really great, perhaps better than Achtung Baby, in my ears. Actually, Pop is my favorite album of theirs. A very different and intense sound on that one. Songs like Mofo and Please can't be beaten.
Nothing wrong with their post 2000 stuff either. No Line on the Horizon is really cool. It really takes something special to make me like 80s music...I guess that's why I barely listen to U2's 80s stuff though. However, I must admit that War is pretty darn good.

I'm rambling. U2 isn't my favorite band, but they're still pretty good.
I know it's "trendy" to think U2 suck, but it's also true, so whatevs.
Musically, anything other than The Joshua Tree I have thought was severely lacking. That one album was pretty decent though. Personally, I simply hate Bono mainly because although he does a lot of good, he has to call attention to himself doing it no matter what. That, is the making of a turd, and a turd as big as he is will stink up his entire band.
it may be trendy, but guess what, the do suck. hated em in the 80's, the 90's, and still hate em. bono is a idiot, thinks he needs them goggles he calls sunglasses on all the time, even when het met the pope. disrespectful lil s.o.b.
and then there is "the edge". seriously??? how old is he now? 50 something?? nothing edgy about him. he just looks like a old man trying to stick with the teeny boppers latest fashion. fail.
Shaft said:
I don't mind U2's music, but I think Bono is a turd.

Although I agree with thinking Bono is a turd, I actually dislike their music quite a bit. Also FTG, I've always hated U2, but I do see where you are coming from (I don't hate Coldplay though).

Bono is a huge douchebag, and the music isn't any good. I'll admit they have a few good songs though.
I agree with what Chuck Klosterman said about U2: They are overrated because they are canonized as indisputably great when they are merely only very good.
Heh, I went to a Klosterman lecture last weekend. I'm sticking with the "you and I are separated at birth" angle.
used44 said:
Heh, I went to a Klosterman lecture last weekend. I'm sticking with the "you and I are separated at birth" angle.

<---- IS JEALOUS! Did Chuck Klosterman actually go to Alaska? Was it awesome? Did he say anything about a new book?
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
Beware, it's become trendy to give U2 a bunch of unreasonable hate these days, much like Coldplay.

But I love Coldplay! Even Viva la Vida (alot actually).
Shaft said:
I don't mind U2's music, but I think Bono is a turd.

Yeah. I can understand that. The thing is, I'm able to enjoy music from a band even if I don't agree with the front-man's views on other things. I just like them for their music, that's all.

It's kind of like Nine Inch Nails. I think Trent Reznor is a genius at creating songs. However, Trent comes off way too egotistical on a lot of issues, especially when he talks about God.

And I also like Coldplay very much but Radiohead is far superior :p
I like their hit songs, but everything else they've made doesn't sound good to me. (U2 & Coldplay)
I enjoy U2's music quite a bit. Much like Shaft, I think Bono is a douche however. Self-promoting, self-righteous media whore really. Good music though! I would say they fall somewhere along the same lines for me as they do FTG. (YOU win this time FTG!)

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