The Walking Dead (TV) Don't Open, Spoilers Inside

WickedLiquid said:
Thanks Rain.

Bring on season 4! Which, by the way, I found out is being given to Scott M. Gimple as the new showrunner. If you don't know who that is he writes for the comics and if you watch the episodes online you might recall some of the titles to the ones he's written; 18 Miles Out, Hounded, Clear and This Sorrowful Life. Excellent episodes with great dialogue and respect given to the characters. Should be awesome!

That's probably a good thing then, because the biggest criticism of this show has been its piss poor character development and one-dimensional characters. Well, that and the often outrageously stupid things they do.






People are saying it was disappointing but I don't get it. I guess it wasn't giving people what they wanted which usually pisses people off at first but once they have time to digest it they realise it was actually pretty good.
I think it's because it really didn't act like the finale we had been expecting. While things with the governor did come to a head, *spoliers* he didn't die or go away, and is going to be back next season. It just seems like a stretch to make this story arch last more than one season.
Yeah, the finale was totally anti-climactic. There were some great episodes this season, but it wasn't one of them. Still far, far better than everything on the broadcast networks though.
See there's a spoiler alert in the title, so I'm just going to post spoilers without worries now.

So, I watched every damn episode now and haven't read the graphic novel.
Basically, I like Darly as much as everyone else. Started out being a real douche, but eventually grew a heart. Also loved how Merle did the right thing, yet nobody knows. F*ck Andrea, didn't care if she died or not.
So, I've been creating my own memes about this season




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