So, Season 2 thoughts?


They say they're working on incorporating Season 1 game saves, which would be an obviously cool thing. But I wouldn't mind a whole new story either.

If they do make it a direct sequel to the cast of season 1, do you think you'll play as Clem? She's really young to be a primary protagonist, but maybe they bump the fiction forward a few years and she's older and is using what she learned from Lee (have they ever jumped forward in time in TWD comic fiction though? The tv show has, but probably only because a character was pregnant and the child actors aged).

Maybe you'll play as somebody else teaming up with and protecting Clem.
Bad-ass-lone-wolf-ninja-assassain-grown-up-Clementine? Sign me up. That would be the best option IMO. Since I believe the two people Clem sees in the epilogue are indeed Omid and Christa we can skip ahead a few years knowing she's grown up with them and Christa's baby (it's rumoured Christa will name her baby Lee.) Maybe now Clem has to look after Christa's child?

But if they kill off Clem in season 2 I'll go to Telltale and force them to fix it.
Telltale considered Clem to be their main protagonist. Most of the interviews talk about how Lee was shaped around her and how she was their first idea. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they have her at 13 or something.

There also needs to be a part where she just curb stomps Kenny.

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