The thread about your problems

Just found out the company that I'm working for has a tuition reimbursement program (I knew that for a while) just changed their program to no longer reimburse graduate degrees for non exempt workers - undergrad only....

Feels bad man.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Link's might. Heard things are getting crazy in NY.
Is that why we haven't heard from him? Man i hope he's ok...

And while we are at it... man Heard what happen Sandy did to haiti? That's a world wide problem...
I'm in the "fuck it" stage of life and I really should go back to school or something but I don't have enough money to travel and study so I am just going to keep travelling and hope for the best.
My problems:

-Not really enjoying my job any more, looking for other work but my field is difficult and competitive (multimedia).

-Trying to break into the web comic industry, but finding it hard to work on comics, designs and website stuff due to lack of time and motivation (full time work, gym, Judo while trying to enjoy myself from time to time with a half arsed social life or/and video games).

-Never ever had a girlfriend, can't seem to find the "right" person for me. Sometimes I think something is wrong with me.

-I have to wait until next Thursday for Hitman: Absolution and the end of the month for my Wii U and ZombiU... which better not suck.

My solutions:

-Just look for other work regardless and keep looking, while spending more time doing what I enjoy/want to do.

-If I want to try and get into webcomics, I need to start sacrificing time and other things to try and get to where I want to go. No use complaining about it. After all, people don't reach success with no sacrifice.

-Tried online dating, didn't work. New solution is "who gives a shit - work on yourself and become awesome at it, who cares what others think".

-Sit the fuck down and wait for the games to come out. Play some Pokemon: Black and White 2 in the mean time.
WickedLiquid said:
Today I got a restraining order from John Stamos.

I'm currently in my last year of grad school b/c I was in a lib arts program and needed to set myself apart - but the "fuck it" and travel aspect is hitting me HARD! Must. Finish. School.

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