Guardians of the Galaxy thread

They are two very different movies. I have wanted a fun action moviefor a long time.

Winter Soldier was a great spy movie that just happened to have comicbook characters in it.
I really loved it. Lots of fun, which I think has been missing from a lot of the superhero movies lately (no that that's a bad thing, but I think they really needed a movie like this).

I got a kick out of the post-credits bit, which I figured most people probably wouldn't understand. The fact that I even know who Howard the Duck is, is pretty amazing considering my age.
Just saw it today. It's an awesome movie. The perfect summer flick. The cameo at the end was great. Some nerdy guy started a semi slow clap over it and said for the few of us left "what? Am I the only one who got that? Is everyone else just too young?" etc etc. Yes. You are a unique and pretty snowflake. Now stfu.

Anyways, it was pretty hilarious as well. Groot had some amazingly touching scenes and the scene with him and the room full of guards was hilarious.
The people in my theater half-jokingly booed or went "oh nooo" at the after-credit reveal. Haha.
I still have no idea who howard the duck is but the dancing groot scene had me cracking up it so i enjoyed the ending scenes
LinksOcarina said:
Eh, Winter Soldier was a better movie.

But this was really fun, enjoyed it a lot.

I just re-watched Winter Soldier again... and I've seen Guardians 3 times in the Theater (I have a problem), and I think it is a close call. Winter Solider is proof Marvel Cinematic Universe isn't a fluke, but Guardians is proof they know exactly what they are doing.

It makes me sad Edgar Wright isn't doing his version of Ant Man (Because if you really, honestly say you like Ant Man... gtfo.)
Sometimes you just need a fun movie, and the last decade has really pushed for these pseudo-realistic comic movies. It was nice to have something wholly outlandish.
I still don't understand what humans are doing on other planets, besides Star Lord. As far as the Marvel Cinematic Universe goes, Thor is the first time Earth has had any contact with people from another world. But in Guardians, Dewy Cox is all set up with other humans on some distant planet.

I know I'm over thinking it but after seeing it for the third time this stuff nags at me.
Maybe just a little jealous...

Xandarians and others just look like humans. Because maybe humans were made in their image.

...And I like Ant-Man.
Xandarians and others just look like humans. Because maybe humans were made in their image.

...And I like Ant-Man.
Was at the shops today and ended up buying Hyrule Warriors, was half tempted to buy Captain America: The Winter Soldier because I stood in the store for about twenty minutes watching the movie.

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