A Serbian Film


Think Hostel, Audition or Inside are some of the most disturbing, hard to watch films? (If you think Audition is, please tell me it's because of how horribly boring it is.) Think again.

There's movies like Funny Games that are hard to watch because of the psychological effect the horrific ordeals place on the main characters - With it's realistic dialogue, realistic scenario, Funny Games is a well done horror film that is both a "torture" flick that isn't exploitative and manages to remain intense, with minimal gore. It's psychologicial torture more than anything and it works. It was also one of the harder films to watch.

This isn't Funny Games though. Enter "A Serbian Film". The film banned in the most countries in the last few years. It's the most heavily censored film in 16 years by the British Board of Film and the film that if you watch the entire thing and *enjoy* it, I don't think I'd want you over for tea.

Here's the plot description, lifted from the Netflix description page for the film:

"Milos (Srdjan Todorovic) is a washed-up porn star who can't support his family. Then, a former "co-star" (Katarina Zutic) introduces him to Vukmir (Sergej Trifunovic), a director who wants to bring him out of retirement. The money's too good to pass up, but Milos is unaware of the dangers that await. By the time he discovers the sleazy truth about his new boss, everything he loves may be in jeopardy."

From what I've gathered, the first half is set up extremely well, building tension with minimal gore and horror. The protagonist agrees to do a film knowing little information, but more is slowly revealed and piece by piece the tension builds knowing something bad is going to happen. What happens? Do what I did to find out - Read the wikipedia page. I was going to watch this one until I read the wiki.

I did just read the description on the Wikipedia page. As crazy as the movie sounds I want to give it a chance just to see how bad it really is. People can play something up over and over but you never know until you see it
Ugh... wtf man?

Last year it was The Human Centipede, now it's this?

Why do filmmakers go to such lengths to make the most disturbing movies ever? Haven't they heard the saying "just because you can doesn't mean you should"?
"The Human Centipede", I heard, wasn't really that bad. It was just a lot of hype. I have it on my instant watch on Netflix.

I prefer horror like "Funny Games", or supernatural horror these days. The slasher genre is a little thin. Although "Severence" and "Behind the Mask" were good examples of decent slasher films to have come out recently. I really want to see Lars Von Tiers "Antichrist".
I saw this a couple months back.

Didn't really see why it's meant to be so bad.
Then i realized how badly 4chan has fucked me up.
wikipedia said:
Miloš was taken into a room and made to sodomize a body hidden under covers. The masked man enters and begins to have sex with another body beside the one Miloš is raping. The masked man is revealed to be Miloš' brother Marko, and the body he is raping is Miloš' drugged wife. The covers are taken off of the body Miloš is raping to reveal his own son, also drugged. A melee ensues during which Miloš' wife regains consciousness and Miloš manages to wrest a gun from one of Vukmir's bodyguards. Miloš' wife bludgeons Marko to death, while Miloš kills Vukmir and all but one of his bodyguards, which he only harms with two bullets shot in bodyguard's torso. Confronting the final bodyguard, Miloš knocks off his sunglasses and discovers that the man is missing an eye. He tries to shoot him but finds out that the gun is empty. Miloš jams his erect penis into the man's empty eye socket, killing him.[8] He then knocks his wife unconscious and takes her and their son home, locking them in the basement before passing out. After remembering everything Miloš gathers his family into bed, he fatally shoots his wife, son, and himself. Sometime later, another film director enters, accompanied by another porn star and a film crew. The director instructs the actor to "start with the little one," prompting the actor to unzip his trousers.

Dude, that's effed up man...

I'll pass.

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