Oh wise GRians help me choose college courses!

piracer said:
u know whats worst then math? f****** chem.
Woah now, wait a minute. Don't be hatin' on chem. Are you talking about chemistry in general, or intro to chem? Because usually when people complain, it's a few first year courses, and that just has to do with kicking asses and teaching hundreds of kids. Chemistry is fun! Useful. Interesting. Yeah.
Nes Man - It's community college.

Because I was not the most studious person in high school and rarely showed up my grades reflected that. I didn't have good enough grades to enter Portland State directly. I'm not going to school for a degree in Fire Sciences or Criminal Justice however. Here the requirements for either department are a GED/High School but of course college will only help. Either way, I'm just feeling out the courses right now, seeing what I really want to pursue as far as academic ambitions go.

After I take some credits at PCC, I'll be going right into PSU. I certainly know I'm smart enough....Aside from you know, the math >_>.
Sightless said:
piracer said:
u know whats worst then math? f****** chem.
Woah now, wait a minute. Don't be hatin' on chem. Are you talking about chemistry in general, or intro to chem? Because usually when people complain, it's a few first year courses, and that just has to do with kicking asses and teaching hundreds of kids. Chemistry is fun! Useful. Interesting. Yeah.

Yeah it is general chemistry. My class has like 300 people in it and its frekin ridiculous. I do like the idea behind chemistry which i think is really cool, but the way they teach it just makes you want to hate it. I need to do two other chemistry courses in the future including one which i have heard is the hardest course taught at Washington State (i dont know if this is true but on the course website it says "Many students are anxious about taking Chem 345 as they have heard horror stories in terms of course difficulty. If you are one of these students, it is essential to your success that seek help within the first two weeks of the course." which basically means its gonna frekin kick your ass).

Actually thinking of switching majors just because of the fucking chem.
Lethean: Math is everything. Math is your friend. Math is love. (I wish I understood it better.)

piracer: lol. Are you doing a general science degree or what? Larger classes are always going to be a pain, unfortunately... You're gonna have to deal with it. :P~
Organic Chemistry isn't so tough if you don't want it to be, you know. I think it's mostly difficult because you really have to keep on top of it, as you're probably covering one new thing each week, and that flies by so quickly. Don't let it intimidate you, though. It's totally doable. ;)
Lethean said:
So about that....

Wrestling is fine and all. I'm just tired of it being the go to thing in MMA right now. Oh well :(.

Which I will totally agree with. Too many newcomers are using the ol' Lay & Pray. Last night's Ultimate Fighter premiere is a perfect example.

Back on topic: So when will you be starting? Are you doing summer/spring classes or will you be starting in the fall?
Already started. Love it so far.

Thinking of dropping the art history for now. I dig the course but I haven't been in school for about ten years and even then I barely showed up. That and being a new dad and having work still....I don't want to put too much of a work load on me. A lot of reading for that class. I think I'll take it next term along with advertising or mass media and journalism and another fitness course. Once the baby is more than a few months I'll start looking at 12 - 15 credit terms. (If I don't get hired by Portland Fire and Rescue this year.)

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