The Stalfros Experiment (Chat Thread)

^ ???

Nah not really Trippy. Plus now she lives about 2 hours drive away since I'm not at Uni anymore.

I missed my window! But nevermind, I'm fairly easy. I'll find another dream girl.
Found out that it is also my apartment, told my ex to move out.
She also found someone new.

Going to have a family meeting with my and her parents invited.
To talk about all the stuff that we need to get settled.
1) Glad you're back posting here Tylzen because I don't understand your Facebook status updates.

2) Glad you kicked dat bitch to the curb.

3) Damn, already? Again, America's Puritanical relationship system has me confused at this new update.

4) Good for you. Glad you are taking this with a level head and a rational thought process.

5) When the time is ready, I want you to find some 6 foot tall pale brunette with blue eyes and make us all proud.
WickedLiquid said:
StalfrosCC said:
It is just bizarre to me that White-noise is asian, cute and from Canada... because we already have one of those.


And they both live close to me :)

I find the smiley at the end of this sentence less of a:


And more of a:

You know what I love about this thread? How easy it is to get off topic!

I'm sure many many many of you will disagree with me on this. But I'm really starting to hate Family Guy. It just sucks. And no, I'm not acting like a South Park fanboy (to be honest South Park sucks now to). I just think it's focusing too hard on being shocking and not delivering jokes.

There still are some great moments, but most of the time I just shake my head at the stupidity of it all.
I'm not a South Park fanboy, but they are right about Family Guy (Seth McFarlane even admitted to it, showing us waht a great sport he is). The thing is with Family Guy, it's funny, but it's not funny the second after the joke is over. It's fun to watch, but not to think about.

The new season of South Park is one of the weakest yet (although there are some great episodes there). At least they aren't the Simpsons (R.I.P Seasons 3-8)
I'm not a fan of Family Guy at all.
Internet people (read: not Emmy Awards people) claim The Simpsons have been stale for years. Then why is it Family Guy continues to rip them off each and every season?
Every time I see a Family Guy episode I see a joke The Simpsons done a few years prior.
Can't say that I've ever seen South Park ripping off The Simpsons, and it's been on the air much longer than Family Guy.
So i guess you use what works. Stick close to the source material (really close) and take advantage of the generational gap and internet buzz. Also, Adult Swim.

Cancelled for a reason, that's the way I feel about it.

But there would be no Robot Chicken without Family Guy, so hey there's that.
Simpsons was good up until about season 11, then it died.
The new animation in my opinion is hoooorrible. It was better before.
Venture Bros is on my "to see" list. I've heard good things from many people.
Rakon said:
IThe new season of South Park is one of the weakest yet (although there are some great episodes there). At least they aren't the Simpsons (R.I.P Seasons 3-8

No way, Simpsons forever! If this was during seasons 13-17 I would agree but they made a comeback. Then again, I'm one of those guys who can quote pretty much any episode while others scratch their heads and go "huh?"

edit Chris, sometimes it is just downright scary how much you and I have in common. I think it's the avatars....

As for the new animation, I love it! They might as well use it since Futurama got canned :( (now that was a good show!)
But its not Futurama animation, or Futurama for that matter! Futurama season 1 was better than the past 5 seasons of The Simpsons. And yeah, I can quote most of the episodes too... Its both a gift and a curse.
Wes said:
Chris, sometimes it is just downright scary how much you and I have in common. I think it's the avatars....

Absolutely. if this all were a game of Calvinball, we'd definitely be on teams :toast: actually, that may be against the rules.. ;)

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