The Stalfros Experiment (Chat Thread)

I mean like... also, why in July... If I mean Christ was born, traditionally... not really, in December would an festival to celebrate the Immaculate Conception happen in April....
Sold 2 beats, went to the studio, performed at 3 local clubs, added 400 friends in 2 hours on myspace, listened to my daughter wiggle around in my girls stomache, and I ate 10 pounds of ribs at the jazz and rib fest yesterday. Did I mention I got dumb drunk on Friday and Saturday.....?
Played some Nazi Zombies on Friday night.

Threw a failure of a pool party/bbq on Saturday. Partly because it decided to rain or be gray all day long. Partly because 4 people bailed, leaving me with way too much food. Partly because everyone decided to come in shifts rather than all at once. But I had fun having people over for a change, and grilled up some damn good Bubba Burgers.

Sunday was trying to relax on another rainy day. Played some WAR because I have nothing better to do until Diablo 3 or SWTOR.

As for Jimmy Fallon: I have always thought he was a no talent asshat. But this just means more people get to enjoy Craig Ferguson now.
We went to a friends kids B-day party, it sucked, not only because we didn't know his kid that was having the party, but when we got there we realized it was a family-type party, meaning there was no drinking and we were the only non-family members there. Since our friend had to entertain the family we spent most the time sitting outside by ourselves watching the kids beat the shit out of each other. Which was slightly amusing. Overall though a waste of time, especially since we could have gone to the medieval festival instead.

Sunday, I trained and took a nap. Not a big day.
I drank on Saturday, even though I hate drinking. I only started because my lung collapsed so I can't smoke weed anymore. Either way, I won't be drinking anymore. I have too high of a natural tolerance to it (i didn't feel anything after 9 or so drinks).

On Sunday I ate weed treats I made with a friend, which got him high, but not me (even though I ate more).

Guess I'm just gonna have to get high on life.
StalfrosCC said:
What the f*** did you do with your weekend?

I ate some delicious pork ribs and watched The Big Bang Theory. Bought a very nice pair of Allen Edmonds Park Avenue shoes on eBay for 1/10th of retail price. And picked up Wii Sports Resort and subsequently played it for four hours with much delight.

Oh, and I enjoyed my favorite baseball team reclaiming first place in their division, unlike someone else's team who was thoroughly trounced 31-6 by a conquered people. :)
I'm throwing a party this weekend. My son's 3rd birthday. It will 8 kids (between 5 and 2) running around in my backyard, playing in a pool should make for something interesting happening.

As long as noone leaves a floater...I'm fine.
StalfrosCC said:
I mean like... also, why in July... If I mean Christ was born, traditionally... not really, in December would an festival to celebrate the Immaculate Conception happen in April....
I have no clue. Glad I'm Mormon.
Ted_Wolff said:
StalfrosCC said:
What the f*** did you do with your weekend?

I ate some delicious pork ribs and watched The Big Bang Theory. Bought a very nice pair of Allen Edmonds Park Avenue shoes on eBay for 1/10th of retail price. And picked up Wii Sports Resort and subsequently played it for four hours with much delight.

Oh, and I enjoyed my favorite baseball team reclaiming first place in their division, unlike someone else's team who was thoroughly trounced 31-6 by a conquered people. :)

Bretimus_v2 said:
I'm throwing a party this weekend. My son's 3rd birthday. It will 8 kids (between 5 and 2) running around in my backyard, playing in a pool should make for something interesting happening.

As long as noone leaves a floater...I'm fine.

Hahaha! I personally hope one kid does for comedy value :p
StalfrosCC said:
What the f*** did you do with your weekend?
Same as usual, play some Video games, relax, etc.
Oh yah, I'm starting a tiny development team for a small game I have been working on in the beginning of august.
Man, I want some cheese. Cheddar is awesome but I'd rather have pepperjack. No idea why, but this thread really put me in the mood for it.

What? Don't question how my brain works. I don't even really know.

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