Terrible Game Mechanics

Longo_2_guns said:
I like it when health regenerates slowly, but I don't like it when games don't have it at all, or don't make health packs readily available. Like Far Cry 2, where you get 4 health packs, and have to go all the way to a safe area or sack a barrack to get more.

Also, I like it more when health regenerates in chunks. This is one of the things the first Resistance did right that the second didn't.

While I'm on the subject, games where you can only carry 2 guns. What is up with that? 2 guns and a pistol, a la Gears of War or R6 Vegas, I can understand, but not just 2 guns of any type, assault rifle, pistol, and rockets don't matter. Just that there are two of them.

You never struck me as the kind of guy that would disliked a game mechanic involving 2 guns, Longo 2 Guns.
Oh yeah, Any game that you have to protect yourself and ANOTHER person or else you'll have to start over (Mission 3 when master keyes is with you in halo)

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