Random game ideas and mechanics - Anyone have any?


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We all love games and I'm sure we all love to know about the process behind it, the ideas and mechanics etc... but have you ever seen things in games that make you think "What if they did it <this way>?" or have you ever just randomly come up with random ideas of your own?

I'm sure I'm not the only one. Sometimes I randomly come up with ideas, ideas that of course would never be used, it's just an idea in my head that I think would be cool to see in a game. I'm weird. With this thread, throw down any random mechanic ideas that you've randomly come up with, or mechanics that you've seen from other games and how you'd change 'em.

Here's my first one:

Aimed jumping. This was sort of implemented in Alien VS Predator (2010) which... while I didn't think it was that good of a game, I thought the aimed super jump of the Predator was pretty interesting.

This idea is also inspired by other games, such as Spider-Man 2 (with the 'charge jump' which I love), Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (and Jedi Academy too) and of course, Alien VS Predator.

I'd like to see a game where when you hold down the jump button, you could charge the jump, then you could use the analog stick to basically choose where you want to leap to in the 360 3D environment. The icon that shows where you would land would be green, but if too far away it'd turn red. Release the jump button, then you jump to that location. When you land there (like on a wall or the ceiling), you could 'stick' to the wall and execute another jump from there. So you could essentially climb, in a sense. I can see this being utilised for travel, puzzles and combat.

I think in combat (or at least aggressive enemies present), maybe there could be an option where when you proceed to jump (or charge it at least), the game could enter a sorta slow mo bullet time thing, to give you the time you need to execute a jump, to avoid enemy attacks or to pursue other enemies. Of course, since it's slow mo and not freezing time, there would still be a chance to get hit by enemies, so you can't take THAT much time.

I think an idea like this could be utilised in a Spider-Man game, or a Star Wars/Jedi kinda game.
For the Jumping type game what does the player see 1st Person or 3rd person perspective?

Game Idea:
The Matrix: Oculus Rift

You are in the matrix and see the 3D environment in code the same way Neo does. First Person.
If FPS shooter, I would want a bow and arrow to be used with trick arrows. BF Hardline had the zip line with a crossbow, I wished for more like that. With swings, explosion arrows, etc. Sorta like Thief. I would want to point at any wall and launch a rope with an arrow. I wouldn't mind remote detonating arrows either.
Sightless said:
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. I'll tell you after I release a game. ;D

Haha, it's cool. :) I have a feeling that's probably why not many people have posted, which is fair enough.

UrbanMasque said:
For the Jumping type game what does the player see 1st Person or 3rd person perspective?

I think it could work in both, but I think it'd be better in third person.

UrbanMasque said:
Game Idea:
The Matrix: Oculus Rift

You are in the matrix and see the 3D environment in code the same way Neo does. First Person.

That would actually be really cool and interesting! :)

UghRochester said:
If FPS shooter, I would want a bow and arrow to be used with trick arrows. BF Hardline had the zip line with a crossbow, I wished for more like that. With swings, explosion arrows, etc. Sorta like Thief. I would want to point at any wall and launch a rope with an arrow. I wouldn't mind remote detonating arrows either.

I'd like to see trick arrows utilised in gaming more often. The last and only time I've seen "Trick Arrows" was in City of Heroes, where Archery was a power set that involved a lot of trick arrows... that being said, that's for an MMO, not a real time FPS. Seeing trick arrows in an FPS would be awesome.
Master_Craig said:
UrbanMasque said:
Game Idea:
The Matrix: Oculus Rift

You are in the matrix and see the 3D environment in code the same way Neo does. First Person.

That would actually be really cool and interesting! :) .

Yea maybe even a Matrix styled App/game that lets you walk around in Google Maps at street level and see that stuff in OR.

But more to the game, if would be cool to slow down time and stop bullets, not much of a game though if you're essentially god. :?
It'd be awesome to be able to walk around Google Maps at street level in augmented reality via Oculus Rift. I can imagine "custom maps" for first person shooter games that way... although that's kinda creepy now that I think about it.

Slowing down time to stop bullets would be fun but then again yeah, it's not very challenging when you're a god... but I won't lie, it is kinda fun. :P
I dunno if this exists already in any games out there, but I think this would be ideal for a beat 'em up kinda game, or at least an action/adventure game that utilizes hand to hand combat to a degree. This idea I'm calling Grappling.

The idea is using a button (perhaps by pressing/holding the button) you can try and grab onto your opponent. From there, you've got them in a hold and you can beat the crap out of 'em using the gamepad's face buttons (so on a PS3/PS4, it'd be Square, Triangle, X and Circle). Each button is a different attack. Triangle could be a strike of some sort to the face, Square could be a strike to the upper body while X could be striking at the lower abdomen or the legs. Circle would be to release the opponent, in an offensive way of course.

The longer you'd hold onto an enemy, the more likely that they may escape or/and counter you, and should you use repetitive attacks, that'll increase the chance of the opponent escaping or/and countering. So for example, if you spam Square and pound the hell out of their upper body, their escape and possible counter may come quicker. So in order to minimize the chance of escape, you'd have to be a bit more 'unpredictable' with the buttons, so to speak, e.g. Triangle, X, Square, X, Triangle etc.

Regarding the release (via Circle), you could press Circle and tilt the analog stick in the desired direction and then you'll throw them in the direction of your input. If you're near certain objects (a wall, a table or whatever) you could interact with it, e.g. a table to the left, hold left analog stick to the left and press circle, you'll slam their face on the table or something.

Pressing and holding circle again would try and re-position yourself behind the opponent, to try and control them as a human shield.

I come up with odd ideas when I'm bored. :/

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