

So gents, I just had shoulder surgery on tuesday to remove loose cartilage and a meniscus from my left shoulder (it also involved sanding the bone down a bit around the shoulder). Fortunately it was a simple and rather noninvasive as far as shoulder surgeries go. I'm curious, what kinds of surgeries have some of you guys had (and how was the recovery)?

My mom also just got her hip replaced last week. I feel somewhat bad for my brother and dad, who are being forced to wait on the both of us hand and foot while we recover.

I'll try to get some pics up this week of the stitches so you guys can see what it's like. :P
Closest was for treating my pneumothorax. They inserted a chest tube, which took about 10 minutes. I can't say for sure, because I was RIPPED on percocet and morphene. The only thing that made it seem major was that there were about 4 residence students watching the two doctors, which made the room far more crowded than it needed to be.
No surgery here :)

Although in hospital I had to have my foot up on a traction for 3 days because I jumped off a climbing frame from too high and forced my thigh bone to jam into my hip bone.
I had my tonsils out when I was eighteen. I know eighteen is a bit old to have them taken out, but it was the only way to stop them from getting infected at least once a month. Other than that when I was about fourteen I had one of my toenails removed and the growth center destroyed to stop it from being ingrown and getting ingrown ever again.

I remember meeting Rakon right after he had one of his lungs collapse, which didn't sound like it was too much fun, but he was still a cool dude!
Never had major surgery before, only a slight strain that required a tape cast on my leg once when I got kicked too hard from soccer practice.
I nearly lost a thumb to a machete. 5 stitches and the inability to shuffle cards after it was fixed. I have a slow thumb now. :cry:
Haha! Stubbing a toe is by far the most annoying thing you can do. It ruins the day...I feel for your baby toe.

Also, Eyebrows I want to know the story behind your machete/thumb incident! Get attacked? Or were you screwing around with a sharp sword? ;)

Your deal by the way.
Chris_Crime said:
I stubbed my baby toe on a wooden chair this morning.

Ooooh. I once stubbed my toe so hard (stepping too wide through a doorframe - idiot) that the entire right side of my right foot was dark blue for a month. Just fucking crushed it. No break though (that I know of).

As for surgery, never had anything major.
At work, slicing watermelons and pineapple, slipped on the bottom chunk of a pineapple, knocked the machete off the counter, hand landed on top of machete..the area closest to the handle cut my thumb, whilst the rest of the blade bruised my hand from the bottom of the small finger to the gap between my hand and the thumb...nothing like seeing bone I'll tell you (which stopped the blade).

Here, I'll show you:
Three surgeries.

1. I got gassed for my four impacted wisdom teeth and that was amazing. Put on a mask, out, gain awareness in my house while I'm drinking a milkshake and watching a movie. Get told about all the loopy crap I said during my last hour of consciousness. Very little swelling, and fairly good range of motion on the jaw the next day. Great experience.

2. Had an extreme shoulder dislocation, no insurance. Dislocated it a lot (going for rebounds, moving arm in awkward positions, falling while wakeboarding, etc) after that. Finally got insurance and got it done. Interesting fact: I burn anesthia very quickly. They game me 2.5 hours of knock out to get started on the surgery and I woke up 1 hour in. Waking up in the middle of surgery is like being abducted by aliens. You're cold, naked, strapped on to a table, with tubes crammed down your throat. Surrounding you are bright lights, people with goggles, surgery gowns and caps and rubber gloves. It was scary. They had to cut and reattach several muscles. My rotator cuff was 2/3 torn and had to be stretched in order to fit. The head of my humerus "looked like a dog toy" and I had worn away parts of my clavicle and scapula from the bone not sitting properly in the socket. Woke up and when I took my first bowel movement the nurse ended their shift and took off, abandoning a dizzy me to be stuck on the pot. I was tethered to there by my IV. Passed out on the floor of the bathroom. I remember looking at myself in the mirror as I was ringing the emergency speaker and my face got really whitish-green and everything around the edges got fuzzy. I woke up laying on the floor and thought, "I'm going to die on the bathroom floor of a hospital. Tried to get up, passed out. Was woken by a large orderly with a handlebar moustache asking, "Hey, are you alright?" The answer was no. The hospital of course countered that I got out of bed, hung up my own IV and caused this myself. Despite a log being shown for my first bowel movement but no confirmation of completion. Rat bastards. I couldn't even move my arm. It was actually a horrible feeling trying to raise it and getting no response. Also it was my dominant arm. Luckily, being a lefty, I've developed passable right hand aptitude. I spent the summer being electroded and doing silly excercises with a physical therapist. Shoulder is probably 80% and arm has never quite had the mass it used to have. But no dislocations for 6 years, only a couple of times where I've felt it slipping.

I'll tell you about 3 later.
after getting my stitch out (yes, they used only one stitch to hold together a 4 inch cut in my shoulder), they discovered that the upper end of the wound was slightly infected. Probably just acne contamination. Now i'm on a massive dose of a powerful antibiotic (just to be safe), which is tearing up my digestive track. Also, there's a little dark hole in the top of my shoulder now where i've been draining fluid. and the damned things hurts like hell.

bloody awesome.
I guess the only surgery I had was getting my wisdom teeth removed...And I wasn't gassed, just given tons and tons of Novocaine. It sure was awesome listening to the dentist crack my teeth open to take them out :|
When they removed the drainage tube, they pulled out an inch more than I expected. It made my stomach turn when they kept going. Course it could've been the fact that I was washed out on painkillers and not eating.
Green_Lantern said:
I guess the only surgery I had was getting my wisdom teeth removed...And I wasn't gassed, just given tons and tons of Novocaine. It sure was awesome listening to the dentist crack my teeth open to take them out :|

I was basically put on date rape drugs for mine. I was awake during the whole thing, but I don't remember any of it. apparently i told lots of bad jokes and was laughing a lot.

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