Happy New Year...or Ugh is now a licensed driver

Sourdeez said:
Yo Brows. Where can I get rid of all the used peanut oil I used to make hotwings? I have a little over 10 gallons of used oil in storage. Saving some of it for oil lamps in case of power outage in winter but I am running out of space for extra.

Try UMSL maybe, they got a car that runs on biodiesel that the students built I believe.

If not, have the greatest smelling bonfire ever.
Well, now I'm making payments to my uncle for a vehicle. He sold me a nice vehicle for $1,500. It's a 2003 Chevy Impala. Radiator is new, same with tires and brakes. It's a 4 cylinder and gets pretty good gas consumption.
Doesn't sound bad at all for a first car, well done man, least you got one of your own now! At the end of the day all you need a car for is to get from A to B.

I've gone through two cars so far in my life... my first car was a 1996 Holden Commodore Acclaim series. My oldest brother gave it to me for free but it needed a lot of repairs... I got the repairs sorted but it cost me $2000 AUD (about $1500ish USD) so I like to think I "bought" the car off him.

Sadly I lost that car in 2013 due to a car accident. Some wanker rear ended me while I was stationary giving way to traffic on a highway. His insurance paid for my car which was $2350 AUD (about $1791 USD) but since the cost of repair was apparently greater than the car's value, they wrote the car off... so I got nearly two and a half grand back sure, but I lost my car.

My second and current car is a 2004 Ford Falcon station wagon, which I bought off my folks for $6000 AUD (about $4574 USD). I'm really happy with it so far, had it for almost two years now.
Green_Lantern said:
Oh boy, Ugh is on the loose!

I wish my car only cost $1500...my monthly car payment is $500....
It's not like it's a new vehicle. It was my uncle's girlfriend's daughter's. I know nothing about cars, so I'm relying on my uncles and dad to teach me.
Learning about how to change a tyre and know your contents under the bonnet is pretty important in my opinion! I would learn them ASAP.

Also, constantly check tyre tread and oil. Maybe before every big journey you make.
Certainly agree!

I've only had to change a tyre once, it was a pain in the arse but it's a good skill to learn. Make sure your car has a spare tyre too at all times.

And as MattAY said, check the tyre tread and oil regularly, especially before long journeys.

Once every couple of months I have to travel to another town in our state for judo. It's a three hour drive, so before I make those drives I have to check that everything is good to go.

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