Pics of yourself

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It was actually at a really nice theater with bleacher-style seating, where someone in front of you wearing a hat or a Charlie Brown head would never be able to block your vision.

Anyway, drop it. It seems every topic in the forums tonight is off on some other unintended tangent.
Well the floor was open for a nice discussion. Besides, this is a picture thread, so if there's no new pictures, what's the problem with shooting the bull a bit? Not like there's anything more pressing to talk about.

Anyway, with the bleacher info in mind, she's just a rude moron. That, or she had jungle fever and was hitting on you.
got home at like 4am and were locked out.. but eventually got in the house askjdhajdh


how funny
Stacked tires? That seems stable, sure...You're friend must be Spiderman because he doesn't like he's high enough to climb the ledge.

Who took that picture?
i def. could NOT do that.

"roger roger - we have a 10-28 in progress. please send back-up. Suspect is a black male - 6'4", with dread locks, probably hoped up on PCP. over"
he was like on the second tire or somethin when they took the pic.. he like pulled himself up the railings too a bit... we didnt have a ladder or anythin.. tried the back door and all the windows... garage was open so we decided to start stacking things.. and tires seemed more stable than a chair on the garbage.. I was gona climb but my friends taller sooo yah.. just sucks that itd been raining so the ledge was all wet but i never laughed so hard in my life, was the best
Ah, good Lord that sounds dangerous. And what was up there, a balcony with some double doors? Was that locked too? Imagine, having to break and enter your own house.
haha nice snoop. how did u get in in the end? was it a successful breach or did ur pissed off parents let u in?
lol those tires don't look stable at all! I remember when we were little and Dad accidentally locked us out of the house. He climbed on the garbage bin to pull a louver on the second floor where we pushed my little brother into. He fell into the toilet :p
Good thing there is a window in my home that doesn't lock so I can always use that in case I don't have my keys. I've done that quite a few times.

Of course it is not too good for security.

Wait... why the hell are we talking about breaking and entering? POST SOME PICTURES DAMNIT!
FrozenBacon said:
Good thing there is a window in my home that doesn't lock so I can always use that in case I don't have my keys. I've done that quite a few times

address and window location plz

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