Pics of yourself

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gr got its collective hopes up with the first set of her pictures, than there dicks went limp with jealousy in the second batch

soz, im done postin pics.. icepick just begged me so much on msn for some lol joke.. neh i don't crave attention, i don't need compliments off a message board.. me and my friends just take loads pics so like postin them.. have tons on my myspace
Shaft said:
you look like you have put on some weight

yuh i have, not much though, im still around like 125lbs.. been workin out loads too so i have a lot more muscle than before... but just got over eatin disorder that i had for like 6 year, so now i'm a little fatty, thanks for pointin it out!
its called "going outside in the summer" Mr Himashi really it is a pretty fantastic concept, because there are a lot of things to do outside like go to the beach, play sports, go for jog, etc. and while you are outside this thing called the "sun" sends out rays that darken your skin. You don't even need a tanning bed! it is quite fantastic.
Icepick said:
you look like a f****** chipmunk stfu

Can't argue that one

Shaft said:
its called "going outside in the summer" Mr Himashi really it is a pretty fantastic concept, because there are a lot of things to do outside like go to the beach, play sports, go for jog, etc. and while you are outside this thing called the "sun" sends out rays that darken your skin. You don't even need a tanning bed! it is quite fantastic.

Seems like you're implying that I've never been outside, which is completely untrue. I just remember every picture I've ever seen of you posted on this board it looks like you were orange, like a fake tan, ya know
I'd post pictures of me struttin' my stuff in my corset, but it doesn't fit over my portly gut anymore. :(
Icepick I'm not defending her, I was just simply pointing out shaft shouldn't really be saying things about anybody else. The fact that shes one of the only females on this board is completely irrelevant, I would of said it if he pointed something negative out about anyone else.
Icepick said:
well tom that taboo's been broken, you can go ahead now and have himashi defend you to the death!

Sorry, pal. I only post pictures of myself on the internet when there's a guarantee they won't be discussed, commented on, or a focus of judgment by a network of loosely affiliated anonymous interweb users!
MrHimashi said:
Icepick I'm not defending her, I was just simply pointing out shaft shouldn't really be saying things about anybody else. The fact that shes one of the only females on this board is completely irrelevant, I would of said it if he pointed something negative out about anyone else.

shaft made a perfectly legit comment on her weight, in no way was it implied to be negative, a bit of weight is not a harassment, i said the same to her on msn, the fact is she looks like she put on a few

shaft never called her a fat cow, just pointed out a difference between now and 6 months ago

i hope you come to defend her as valiantly if she gets a haircut and shaft notices that as well

you fucking chipmunk
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