Pics of yourself

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...i only see dobby post in the "pics" section for some reason...
hmmm.. shes cute n she knows it- cute girls dont play video games. period. your going to have to make me believe your a gamer.
Well.....uh.....I've never heard that steriotype. I'm Puerto Rican and I've never gotten into a dance fight. I'll ask my father and grandfather, but I'm sure they haven't been in one either.

Or that black people always talk at the movies?
This one black lady at the movies just straight up told me that I have a big head. Which I do, like, Charlie Brown big.... but still.
^ I never use L.O.L., but that definently warrants a sincere Hahahahaha!!!

That's priceless and sooo believable. And what was your reaction if I may ask?
I just sort of laughed and by the time I attempted a response she was already deep in conversation with her equally chatty group of friends. It's like to her I was invisible, then for a moment I was there, then completely invisible again... It was really weird.
Oh, haha, one of those women. She has just enough attention to disrespect you and then she's brushed you off for her friends.

So basically, she verbally pwned you and left you sitting there....Should of at least gave her a sarcastic eyeroll.
^ That is the absolute worst thing he could've done....Oh the drama that would ensue. I mean sheesh, you wouldn't even be in the mood to watch The Heartbreak Kid at that point.
There's some social situations that you can never be ready for so you will never have a good idea of how to respond to it - that is one of them. I probably would've said something racist and sexist at the same time.
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