The_Big_Cheese said:
StalfrosCC said:
The Queen's English spells 'humor' with a 'u,' same thing with 'colour'
And "favourite" and"neighbour." I don't know, England being an established power long before America kind of makes me want to spell their way. Also, Urban, I hope you're doing speedwork as well, otherwise all that muscle is useless. Mala, it wasn't a boring story, but you could have spiced it up a bit.
"I pulled out my Beretta. He walks up to the jersey. He goes up to the jersey. Now he's at the jersey. Damn, he's looking at the jersey!"
Stal, I laughed at the photo. If you s*** in my stocking, however, I
will hunt you down. And it was Black_Star who said you looked like Santa, and Rekkie who called you a wino. I, sir, am an opportunist, I take the chance at a joke when I get it.