[OT] Sonic Generations

I agree. Saving Peach everytime doesn't put me off buying Mario at all. It's all about the levels like you say. Link does the same thing with Zelda too...I'm sure he will in Skyward Sword, but like you say again, Zelda gameplay is ALL about the puzzles and temples ie the levels.

Obviously the Mega Drive Sonic will NEVER be beaten, but I did like Sonic Adventure 2...mainly for grabbing A ranks in all the levels, trying to grab them was pretty fun.

So I thought you should know, I checked out the secret achievements and I found (POTENTIAL SPOILER) avatars of Shadow, Silver and METAL SONIC!!. So you may have to put up with the extra characters a little longer haha ;)
used44 said:
Not too interested. Sonic was marginally fun when it was one of the few games I owned and my parents wouldn't buy me any more. Now that I can choose, I'll pass.

The demo was... Sonic. So if you're into more Sonic, then have at it.

This is exactly how I feel about this.

I did enjoy the Saturday morning cartoon though. Sonic loves a good chili dog.
@MattAY I don't mind the appearance of Metal Sonic, but Shadow the Hedgehog and Silver (who the fuck is he anyway) I could've done without.
Saving grace of the inclusion Shadow the darker and edgier Sonic clone which needs to appeal to the ADD generation is that he's gonna be a bossfight.

Ah, the Urkel the Hedgehog show, with the family friendly aesop at the end every episode. We had that show over here as well, it was so... weird. It was kinda like those old Warner Brothers / Hanna Barbera shorts with all the wacky stuff the villains would come up with.
Shit, now I got that annoying theme song in my head.

They tried that with Sonic the Hedgehog 4 didn't they? Tried is the key word there, because the style and pacing of the game was nothing like the classics. The game (XBL version) felt very sluggish to me, and the camera could've been a bit farther away like in the old days.
Come to think of it, it felt more like a GameGear version of a classic Sonic game. The screen felt too small to display what was going on. Then again, I'm only playing it on a 32" HD TVscreen, that might have been the problem. :wink:

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