I agree. Saving Peach everytime doesn't put me off buying Mario at all. It's all about the levels like you say. Link does the same thing with Zelda too...I'm sure he will in Skyward Sword, but like you say again, Zelda gameplay is ALL about the puzzles and temples ie the levels.
Obviously the Mega Drive Sonic will NEVER be beaten, but I did like Sonic Adventure 2...mainly for grabbing A ranks in all the levels, trying to grab them was pretty fun.
So I thought you should know, I checked out the secret achievements and I found (POTENTIAL SPOILER) avatars of Shadow, Silver and METAL SONIC!!. So you may have to put up with the extra characters a little longer haha
Obviously the Mega Drive Sonic will NEVER be beaten, but I did like Sonic Adventure 2...mainly for grabbing A ranks in all the levels, trying to grab them was pretty fun.
So I thought you should know, I checked out the secret achievements and I found (POTENTIAL SPOILER) avatars of Shadow, Silver and METAL SONIC!!. So you may have to put up with the extra characters a little longer haha