|OT| Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Longo_2_guns said:
You can really experience everything the game has to offer in a single playthrough, though.

Also, I finally wrote that blog I said I would. It went through about three stylistic revisions, and since I had a lot to say I really don't think it's my best work, but here it is.

I read this just now and left a comment. I for one can appreciate the effort that went into it. gjdm.
Level 59 now, and I am officially:
- The Dragonborn (duh)
- The Harbinger of the Companions
- Leader of the Dark Brotherhood chapter in Skyrim
* By extension: the Listener of Sithis
- Leader of the Thieves Guild
- Head of the Nightingales
- The Archmage, head of the Winterhold Mage's College
- Thane of Whiterun
- Thane of Markath
- Thane of Riften
- Thane of Solitude
- Thane of Dawnstar
- Thane of Winterhold

Still working on becoming a Thane in several other cities. Still haven't mixed up much with the Stormcloaks or Imperials. Does anyone know if the Bard's College has anything special? I did some fetch quests, but that is all. And it seems that the 'Investigate the Bard's College' quest cannot be completed.

So yeah, I guess my character is pretty well known and well liked all over the province. More often than not, groups of bandits have at least half of their group flee in terror rather than attacking me.

Also, my characters eyes are now glowing white. I thought that was because of my epic levels and stuff, but upon reading into the matter, it seems yet another bug, having to do with the Aura shout.

Still, it looks awesome.
The civil war in skyrim is pointless, because by the end of the game everyone in the country is already being led by you.
cyberjim2000 said:
madster111 said:
The civil war in skyrim is pointless, because by the end of the game everyone in the country is already being led by you.

Or got killed by you.
Exactly. You can order around enough people to make up a decent sized army of highly trained people, and have single-handedly killed so many dragons that you have nothing better to do than to create helmets from their bones, all while calling massive storms from the sky with nothing but your voice.
You have killed demons and torn their hearts out with your bare hands, just to make yourself a comfortable pair of boots. You have served daedra lords simply because you felt like it and have went to sleep with a couple chunks of ore and a live cow near you, only to wake up with blood all over the place and 20x Iron daggers laying at your feet due to your proficiency as a smith.

If you decide you want to rule a city, what are the people going to say?

Fine, then. I'll just rule the country.
Here's my personal dragon and assassin ghost, feel free to take your objections up with them while i stand over here and practice my stabbing.
I try to keep the general population alive as much as possible, thank you very much. Although I get very tempted whenever someone is blocking the door or stairs in the cities. It hasn't reached Fable 2 levels of annoyance yet, but goddamnit, I want to shout people down the stairs from time to time.

To think about it, there might be a few innocent STORM CALL victims here and there. Even at the second level it is insanely powerful. I haven't picked up the 3rd tier from Skulfadn yet, but frankly: why bother?
That, and the shout cooldown at level 3 is roughly 10 minutes. :(
madster111 said:
cyberjim2000 said:
madster111 said:
The civil war in skyrim is pointless, because by the end of the game everyone in the country is already being led by you.

Or got killed by you.
Exactly. You can order around enough people to make up a decent sized army of highly trained people, and have single-handedly killed so many dragons that you have nothing better to do than to create helmets from their bones, all while calling massive storms from the sky with nothing but your voice.
You have killed demons and torn their hearts out with your bare hands, just to make yourself a comfortable pair of boots. You have served daedra lords simply because you felt like it and have went to sleep with a couple chunks of ore and a live cow near you, only to wake up with blood all over the place and 20x Iron daggers laying at your feet due to your proficiency as a smith.

If you decide you want to rule a city, what are the people going to say?

Fine, then. I'll just rule the country.
Here's my personal dragon and assassin ghost, feel free to take your objections up with them while i stand over here and practice my stabbing.

I called it...just saying.
Awesome animation.

As for Skyrim, I'm finding myself in the same place as Daniel talked about on the podcast. Turning it on is overwhelming, and I haven't done it in awhile. Once I do, I'll play for 5 hours straight and have the time of my life, but the motivation takes a few days of playing other games for it to build up.
I've finally been playing it (since I got it for Christmas) and I really like it. The world is just so damned cool. I'm really surprised at how difficult they made choosing sides in the civil war. Each side has its positives and its negatives, and has made a choice tough for me.
NickKmet said:
I've finally been playing it (since I got it for Christmas) and I really like it. The world is just so damned cool. I'm really surprised at how difficult they made choosing sides in the civil war. Each side has its positives and its negatives, and has made a choice tough for me.
For me, it was a much easier choice than, say, picking a side in NV. It honestly felt just like Legion/NCR, except for the fact that (sorta spoiler) the Thalmor are manipulating the Stormcloaks into weakening Skyrim so that they can invade once the empire is gone. That sorta killed it for me.

As for me, I gave my copy to my sister for Christmas. I just didn't have it in me anymore. Every quest felt the same, every questline felt the same, and they were all pretty linear. I dunno.
Oh, I forgot, my character looks like Conan the Barbarian, except with blondish hair. Seriously, the side profile is uncanny in its resemblance to Arnold.
I saw that on Destructoid. This tops the Spider-man frost spiders in overall creepiness.

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