oh facebook.


you know whats great, getting a divorce. that's whats great. you know whats also fucking great, having your soon to be ex wife reactivate her facebook after 7 months of not using it, just to change her status from "married" to "single" for all of my family and friends to see.

seperated for 2 months and she considers herself single and ready to mingle. we haven't even filled out any paperwork to even get a legal seperation going. 7 years together, almost 5 of those married and 2 children under the age of 6, she just wipes her hands clean in that short of time and is ready for something else.

just, wow.
Aw man, sorry dude that's rough. The GameRevolution community is here for you.... when you need people to bombard her profile with shit.
Man, sorry to hear bro. What really sucks is now that you're single, you're going to have trouble finding women. It seems when you're married or have a girlfriend in general, women come crawling on you.
Facebook is like a poison when it comes to exes. The best thing to do is to just block her. Believe me, I know it's easier said than done but it will help reduce the stress, even if it's just by a little bit.

I know it's hard but to be the better one in this it's best to think only of your kids. If you don't use them as a way to get back at her then they'll love you more for it. If she goes off on you in front of them just keep your cool and they'll see who's right and who's wrong, trust me, kids remember those things...
Because MOST women, and I'll admit it a few guys, are too weak to be alone. It's because she's hurting that she's looking to mingle mang. Do not creep her, delete her and forget. She will try and drive you nuts through vague facebook updates about potential new flings, even if it's bullshit. Just completely move on, she isn't worth your time.

The fact she had to get facebook back just to make her status say single proves how immature, childish, and frankly strange she is. To do something like that when she was married with kids, yikes! Run for dear life!
Thanks guys. There were so many things wrong but I still loved her, been a long time since I was alone. I'm not perfect and I did my fair share of things to bring it to this point but I can't believe the aftermath. She's all smiles and roses doing whatever she wants.

She got heavy into TOR (we both played MMOs through the years) and got really involved with some of the members. Plans on driving 16+ hours to Ohio for a guild meet in July that I wasn't allowed to go to because they didn't want me to. I found out she was sending pictures of her and the kids to one of the guys, he's 10 years older.

As for blocking her on Facebook.. the funny thing is, Saturday night I removed her (deactivate at the time) and all of her friends and family from my list simply because I didn't want a friend of mine saying something. Last thing I wanted was to out our personal lives to her family.

She has completely changed from the woman I married, the arrogance and sense of entitlement is astounding.

I called her to confront her about it, told me it was just Facebook and didn't think anything of it. She was bored and reactivated it. Funny, she didn't change her last name.

Oh well, just blowing off steam. Thanks guys.
Daddio said:
She got heavy into TOR (we both played MMOs through the years) and got really involved with some of the members. Plans on driving 16+ hours to Ohio for a guild meet in July that I wasn't allowed to go to because they didn't want me to. I found out she was sending pictures of her and the kids to one of the guys, he's 10 years older.
anything of it. She was bored and reactivated it. Funny, she didn't change her last name.

haha, ahh man this brings back memories. my girlfriend and I were GM's of a WoW guild a few years back. She loved the whole social aspect of WoW, i loved pwning noobs. so i agreed to make a guild with her for fun, nothing serious. Well it eventually turned into a shockingly successful guild. But we almost broke up at one point (the girlfriend and I, not the guild), and I WAS like the hero of the guild, until that happened.

As soon as the guild found out we had issues and were fighting, every single person took her side and were trying to console her at every possible second. Until we fixed things, then everything went back to normal. But yea, all the nerds online will be all over her and disown you in the hopes that they'll be able to talk to her one on one over vent.

And btw, she doesn't have any right to be acting the way she does when her relationships consist of ones formed over an MMORPG :D

Quicker you let it all go and move on, the quicker you'll stop hurting. Think of getting over your wife as quitting smoking. All the withdrawal symptoms are near identical. And they go away at the same rate too :p

Sounds like you can do better anyway Daddio. Start making your life as good as it can be, so when she's out larping with her TOR friends, you're sitting poolside smoking a Cuban with models all around you, a Lambo sittin in the garage, and you can buy out the owners of ToR and shut it down.
She has a few actual friends as well, ones that console her about the divorce, give her the 'good for you' treatment. One is a girlfriend that broke up with her long term boyfriend last year, soon to be ex helped her through it. This same girlfriend comes from a divorced household and i know for a fact she has assured her on several occasions that divorce is fine, the kids will be okay.

Told me she lost respect for me because I've missed so much work, I had a really bad back, I did miss work. But it's not like at the time she was downing me for it, we were enjoying ourselves for the most part. Plus, she used to ask me to stay home all the damn time from work because she didn't want to deal with the kids, or she had a headache.

It's like out of no where she just decided she wanted to grow up, that things were never changing and it was time to move on and this is her idea of growing up. She quit a half decent job while I was off work, I didn't rag on her about it. Complained her boss was a real asshole and she didn't deserve to be treated like that. She never went back to work, decided she would be a stay at home mom .. then she told me she didn't want to go back to work, she wanted to go back to school.

She actually left at the start of March, moved to her parents. Took all her things, the kids and left. Told me how she had lost respect for me, I was her best friend but didnt love me anymore. All the good stuff. Then all of a sudden she was going to get a job instead of going back to school. A few days after she left, she asks me to come over, she's crying about how horrible it is there, she doesn't have a car, parents will not let her have anyone over. Asks to come back, but needs her space.

Three straight weeks of her just going out, doing what she wanted. Not telling me anything. From like 6pm-1am almost eveynight. Wouldn't change in front of me, slept in a different blanket. Then I find out that this guild summit they are having was planned on the same weekend as our anniversary. She had responded that she couldn't go because it was our anniversary .. I was touched, then I see the post removed and the date changed to 2 weeks later.

I flipped out, came home and sure enough, shes sitting on TS with the GM (who is organising it), they literally changed the date so she could go. Talk about some serious bs.

It's so hard to wrap my head around it, how someone can do all these things and justify it to themselves. Then expect me to be civil and friendly to her because we have kids. The last 3 or so weeks I haven't talked to her other than swapping the kids, and she got mad at me because I wasn't saying hi or bye to her. I wasn't being an ass, I just had nothing to say. Would give my kids there hugs and kisses then leave.

BLAH! I could bitch all fucking night. I know I got to move forward, but it's like I'm forced to be friendly and get along with the devil.
LOL oh ya, I got a vasectomy in November. Takes about 3 months for it to heal and get tested to make sure it worked. She was out the door that same week. Good times. goooood times.
Man, I feel you on the whole trust thing. It's like if you don't trust her not to sleep around you look like an insecure jerk! But the truth is you were right and then you just feel stupid for putting any trust into her at all.

It's a rough situation for sure. My advice is to stay productive to help keep your mind off things, take out your stress at the gym and stay active. And give your kids all the positive energy you can and remember this is rough on them too.
I can make a fire look like an electrical misshap... just saying

The common stereotype is men are cold and careless, but once a wench finds someone else, or a new thrill in life, you're out on your ass, nevermind the time invested, can't be arsed to work things out

My ex fiance pulled one over on me, we hit a rough patch, like all couples do, but she had a coworker (both worked in the same building) there to console her, of course his motives were to stick it to her, and she bought it. Out I went, granted I probably should have seen it common, seeing as when I met her she was engaged and pulled the same shit on her last man.

Just accept it as her being a fucked up person, wash your hands clean and move on, dwelling on it just drives you insane, and to learn how to commit arson.
What Icepick said. Man everything she is telling you is BS. Don't try to analyze it, because women and logic do not coincide.

Nothing she is telling you is what she actually feels in her head.
UghRochester said:
you're single, you're going to have trouble finding women.


Projecting much?
Sorry to hear Daddio.

Try to get some escapism I guess. Go camping, play some games, grab a hobby. Do some road trips. Being Captain obvious I know, but I think it's time that's the healer.

Just dont dwell on it and move forward rather than looking back, as my other comrades have said.
I'm up for that...although you may have to accept that you'll have to do most of the work if we play co-op...

...those fucking dogs...
Delete her, block her, get her out of your life.

Don't focus on finding another girl right now, unless you wanna just bang it out over a one night stand. Whatever helps. But first look after yourself and remember the road of life doesn't end here!
WickedLiquid said:
Facebook is like a poison when it comes to exes. The best thing to do is to just block her. Believe me, I know it's easier said than done but it will help reduce the stress, even if it's just by a little bit.

This. A thousand times this. A facebook update regarding an ex's availability to other individuals is like a jackhammer re-opening emotional wounds, emotional wounds that can only make you feel more insecure, vulnerable, and depressed.

In fact, it is for this reason that I refuse to have my girlfriend and I be friends on facebook. There are things that simply aren't meant for my eyes, now, or in the future.

And it goes without saying, you have my sympathies...

...and oh, Diablo 3 is coming out in two weeks. Something to keep you occupied.


P.S. Don't forget to sleep. Studies have shown that maintaining a regular sleep cycle (with or without sleeping aids) reduces depression.

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