New Years Resolutions

I havent learnt a squiggle of Japanese. But only because I'm looking for jobs and am updating my portfolio at the mo. But I as soon as I get settled I'll hopefully get on it :D

- get shredded for the summer again (well on my way)

- get a tattoo after achieving the former (i've decided i want lots of tattoos, i'm bored with my bland look) (comes with the first one)

- be better with my money (failing miserably thus far)

- play less video games (no idea what was wrong with me that i said this)

- watch more movies (so far so good)

- have more sex with my girlfriend (surprisingly this one is working out so far too)

- take my dogs for more walks/runs (fail so far, but working wayyyy too much)

- go on a vacation or two (not so much yet lol)
-Read over what I'm about to post (I'm trying to, but my main problem is leaving out words.)
Also, currently trying to get a decent laptop. I know I would get a bang for my dollar, but too afraid to build something I don't know how to build.
So far I've been okay with my resolutions thus far, since the first month of 2013 is up... crap time flies.

-Get fitter and stronger: I've returned to the gym to train "properly" after six weeks (I was on vacation away from home). I haven't really lost my strength however, I have lost endurance which I need to rebuild. I've also dropped a bit of weight. In December last year I was 106kg (233 lbs) and now I am 102kg (224 Ibs). My goal is somewhere between 95-99kg (209-218 Ibs).

-Win at least ONE fight at the Australian National Judo Championships: The nationals aren't until June, but I've returned to Judo training as of last week.

-Compete in the state titles of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and win: The BJJ comp isn't until July... but this could be ruined. PAX is coming to Australia and it's in July, I have my tickets booked already so there is a chance I will miss the BJJ... but for PAX? Hell yeah. :p

-Draw a lot more often... A LOT more: This has been a fail. I haven't been doing much drawing at all. It's so hard to get back into the habit.

-Make more of an effort to meet a nice girl: I thought I had potentially met someone nice, but things just got complicated and probably won't happen.
I'm just under 6'2 and i'm looking for around 100kg by August for a wedding. Seems like a lot, but i'm a big guy and every time i gain muscle my weight skyrockets. If i ever went down below 90kg i'd look weird.
Back when i was fitting tyres, my weight soared all the way up to 130kg, and my manboobs and stomach actually shrunk noticeably. It was kinda worrying - i got heavier than i've ever been, yet was at my strongest and had the most stamina (a b-double tyre can weigh up over 90kg and i could throw those things around for hours).

I have to try and lose weight and get my muscle back at the same time. Suggestions?
madster111 said:
I have to try and lose weight and get my muscle back at the same time. Suggestions?

physically impossible.

do one then the other. it's easier to gain muscle with less bodyfat, and it's easier to lose weight with more muscle. so the choice is yours.

you cannot build muscle while in a caloric deficit though.

if your goal is august, that's a long time. cut for 2 months. that brings you to april. then clean bulk for 2 months. then cut for a final 2 months.

if we're talking the end of august, clean bulk for 3.
How did i know that would get your attention? anyway, you made the cut. you're tall.

this was a lot more fun when we hated each other.
Optimus-Crime said:
How did i know that would get your attention? anyway, you made the cut. you're tall.

this was a lot more fun when we hated each other.

i honestly don't feel tall at all. but i'm sure it's just because it's something im self conscious about and only ever notice the people that are taller than me.

edit: ANYWAY, back on topic.

New Years Resolutions, yeah!
The flu completely derailed my exercising resolution, but I'm getting back into it slowly. The funny thing is that I kept losing weight while I was feverish and shivering all night. No vomiting though, but I think that'd be cheating on my resolution.

Here's where I'm at on my other posted resolutions:
Do something really exciting to change the course of my life and kick the dust off. - Planning stages, waiting around to hear back about one opportunity.
Finish games I start, and if I know I won't be able to, don't start a game until I've cleared my work schedule enough to do so. - I've not started a single game that I haven't beaten yet this year, but Ni No Kuni almost got me to break this one. Ended up not picking it up from Gamestop.
Maintain a cleaner house and lifestyle, less drinking, smoking, and heroin. - Way less drinking, and I never really did heroin in the first place.
Get the forum code updated and encourage more users to use different areas of the site (forum to front page, front page to forum, both to chat). - Nothing on this yet.
Throw at least 4 awesome community playdates like we had with Halo 4. - I've gotten no where on this either.
Pay off all my credit card debt and start saving like a mother fucker. - Paid off one card already!
danielrbischoff said:
Finish games I start, and if I know I won't be able to, don't start a game until I've cleared my work schedule enough to do so.!

god i wish i could make myself do this. i have a real problem playing anything that isn't multiplayer anymore. but there are so many great single player games, many of which i own, but can't spend more than 1/2 hour on.
intoTheRain said:
god i wish i could make myself do this. i have a real problem playing anything that isn't multiplayer anymore. but there are so many great single player games, many of which i own, but can't spend more than 1/2 hour on.
I think the key is to really invest yourself in the narrative, which is the driving force in single-player games. With multiplayer you're motivated to kill/score higher than everyone else. With single-player you just have to keep asking "how does it end?" The way games are, the best stuff is supposed to be at the end right?
For me, I only have a couple hours here and there to dedicate to games and stuff now (I'm growin up!) and since for the last several years I basically had no internet access in terms of gaming, that's all I've really been doing.

I think it's because not much is really engaging me. I've already gone through Deus Ex: HR, while the original is very dated. I made it through like 75% of Far Cry 3, but it's gotten a little too samey for me. Dishonored is very eh, so I don't feel super motivated to play through it. And I haven't even started Assassin's Creed 3, but considering I heard it was just Assassin's Creed 2 but in a different setting, I'm indifferent.

As for New Years stuff, I'm exactly like I was at the beginning of the year, except, I dunno, more confident? More active, for sure.
Okay, everyone here has an excuse for not finishing their video games. Everyone, that is, except you Dan! What the hell, man?! Isn't it your JOB to play these games? I can understand if work or school gets in the way for the rest of us, but in your case, you're just slacking off! Get back to work, play more video games! lazy good for nothin. Put in the overtime if you have to, or make better use of warp zones. Get it together...

do you have debug consoles, Dan?

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