Let's post some pictures! (Of yourself or..Whatever else.)


Steepest part of the great wall...nailed it like a man.

(Someone else.can sort out the screen strerch. Im a on a phone so fuck that)
What is Rakon wearing?
Oh yeah. Earlier this year, I used a gift card my mom gave me and bought this Batman figure. Disappointed it's only 4-6 inches (don't have a ruler)

But found out it has derpy eyes
Urban: No. Too much risk of damage. Also, leave room for Jesus.

Craig: Foam. All of it. EVA foam mostly (about an inch/2cm thick), whereas my Doctor Doom was craft foam (5mm thick).
The armor has thin fabric covering it, and the guns are spray painted. Overall the guns took about a day each to make, and the armor a little longer.
Nice, Longo. My mate used EVA foam when he helped me make my Mad Max: Fury Road mask. I'm not good at it, but I'd love to learn.

What about the guns? How did you and/or your partner make those?
She also made them all out of EVA foam, with help from a dremel and a heat gun. Seems fairly simple if you're good with your hands, which I am not in the slightest.

And Urban, I didn't think I needed to answer your question. After all, you and I hung out there.


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