I'm a dickhead who wants to one day try and work on a comic, but I get complacent and procrastinate. While waiting for class the other day, I did some sketching and I ended up re-designing one of my character concepts.
This is the original:
Ignore the very dull pose.
Here's the updated design.
I want this character to be good at running and climbing, like parkour basically, able to get from point A to point B as fast as possible, even if it's unorthodox, so I changed his clothing to be a bit more practical.
The shoulder guard on his jacket I made smaller, because I think the larger one would impair movement and be annoying, maybe impractical.
I got rid of his turban thing because I thought it would probably fall off. A bandanna would look cool, especially considering it can give a motion of wind and speed.
Got rid of the boots too and gave him shoes. I just thought too many of the characters I design wear boots. If I want him to run, he can have shoes instead. He's also got a sorta keep sake necklace on, again to add a bit more character and depth, and to give him more of a look of speed and motion.
Finally, I gave him some markings on his face and minimized the facial scarring. I gave him these markings (maybe they're tattoos) because I wanted to have him look like he was from some sort of remote, isolated community, like a tribe or something. This was inspired by the Indigenous people of America.
Hope you guys like it.