i need a new phone, help me please.

Chris_Crime said:
throw your money at this thing until it gets you laid

Only problem with that would be the OS itself.
Compared to the chugginess i get on my iPhone, 80% of the touch screen LGs i've used are much worse. Can only imagine Windows Mobile would make it worse..

That projector is damn hot though. Grab a play-video of Crysis and project it onto the wall at your work/school and pretend to play it..
Scare the shit out of people walking past with an image displayed on the wall..
Project porn onto the roof...

..Ok, imma go ahead and buy one.
lol, but agreed, that projector thing could come in pretty handy, all those pranks that you could play...

that still goes to show though, i can't make up my mind... iphone or no?
piracer said:
lol, but agreed, that projector thing could come in pretty handy, all those pranks that you could play...

that still goes to show though, i can't make up my mind... iphone or no?

Seriously, don't. That LG phone will be just one of the many equal if not better phones for much less.

Go to your local store and check out the other ones.
piracer, if you actually listen to madster while making an informed buying decision, I'll probably write you out of my will.

Do what you want to do, but seriously, don't follow any of madster's advice. I think his reputation speaks for itself.
so an iphone can have that much gay porn in it?!

Anyone know details on this new google phone? worth waiting for?
Piracer, it turns into who do you want knowing you have gay porn: Google or Apple? Apple will suggest Apps for you. Google will sell you love of gay porn to other people, who will then send you information on how to purchase gay porn from them.
Trippysmurf said:
Piracer, it turns into who do you want knowing you have gay porn: Google or Apple? Apple will suggest Apps for you. Google will sell you love of gay porn to other people, who will then send you information on how to purchase gay porn from them.

Yeah, but don't forget most of the good gay porn apps are paid anyway..
I just got myself and Iphone, it boils down to what you plan on doing. If you're a big texting fruitcake, and you twitter every time you go take a dump, the Droids keypad will be much more inviting. However, if you want more of an all around pocket pc with a phone put in there, the Iphone is what you want,

In terms of smashes, doing apple tech support, I dont see vert many smashed Iphones come up, but yet again, Madster is apparently the authority. If you're adult enough not to swing it around like a medieval mace, than you're fine, but apparently the Iphone keeps flying out of their hands when those foreigners are trying to bang the sheep

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