i need a new phone, help me please.

keepithowitis said:
Like, service-wise?
I've never had any problems with calls on it.

Chuggyness, useless battery life, call dropping, low signal, silent/unsilenting at random with the thing in 1 position, app crashes, unresponsive screen, shit speaker and mic quality, ..etc. I could keep going.

As i said. It's great at being an iPod Touch.
My brother's getting my step mom's old iPhone to use as an iPod Touch. But he's not supposed to know that, so sshhhh.
I've had my iphone since the 3G launched and i've never regretted it.

The calling features are fine, i can make and receive calls without a problem without any of the problems Mads mentions. Texting is awesome with the way it keeps texts like they are conversations.

There are unstable apps out there, but after a patch or two they get fixed up and I havn't come across any bad ones in a while. There are so many apps out there that work great and are free. Not to mention the range of games/software you can pay for.

And if you got an itouch you couldn't surf the net on it outside wifi areas. I don't understand why people would get two different devices when one can do both. Girls maybe, they have purses but I just use pockets.

The battery life may be an issue if you travel a lot. I have tons of ipod cables so I just have one at work and have my phone charging when im at my desk. In the 16ish months I've had my iphone it's only run out of batteries once.

But everyones different, check out the phone first. The iphone really appealed to me because of the screen size in relation to the size of the phone. Great for watching videos without having a massive device. It's also nice when they update their firmware for the next gen iphone and update features for older phones. When the 3GS came out we all got copy/paste which yes, should of been on the phone in the first place but we brought them knowing that anyway so it was a nice bonus.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
why does this thread remind me of teenage girls in high school texting during lunch? whats next, a degrassi thread or maybe a cw thread?

lol, sounds like your still using one of those old bricks?

Ok, so half the argument here is practically saying no iphone, so if i dont get an iphone, what other phone should i get.

Whats the difference between a HTC and a iphone anyway? I dont think we have this Droid phone over here in Singapore.

I had a friend who was using the nokia music express, which i guess they market it to be a 'music' phone, whatever that may be, but the touch screen and the whole she bang of it seemed pretty decent. anyone else know more of it?
piracer said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
why does this thread remind me of teenage girls in high school texting during lunch? whats next, a degrassi thread or maybe a cw thread?

lol, sounds like your still using one of those old bricks?

Ok, so half the argument here is practically saying no iphone, so if i dont get an iphone, what other phone should i get.

Whats the difference between a HTC and a iphone anyway? I dont think we have this Droid phone over here in Singapore.

I had a friend who was using the nokia music express, which i guess they market it to be a 'music' phone, whatever that may be, but the touch screen and the whole she bang of it seemed pretty decent. anyone else know more of it?
God no. As much as the iPhone is shit, i cannot stress enough how bad the Nokias are.
http://discussions.europe.nokia.com/dis ... .id=117772

The HTC are generally built better and are usable as phones much more easily.
They do have shittier touch screens in general though. Perhaps the new OLEDs will fix this.

Seriously, don't get an iPhone. You will regret it if you treat your phone as rough as i have to (i work as a mechanic in my spare time).
I say go with the HTC Hero, or the new 'Google Phone' that's coming out soon (basically HTC). Get something with Droid, because it's going to be supported as much as the iPhone OS.
Madster, seriously, go troll something else. We heard what you had to say you insufferable tard.

Nobody in there right mind would let a 13 year old work on their fucking car.
StalfrosCC said:
Madster, seriously, go troll something else. We heard what you had to say you insufferable tard.

Nobody in there right mind would let a 13 year old work on their f****** car.

I'm 17, dumbfuck.

I also happen to have rebuilt an SR20 by myself just last week.
Did you use a case for your iphone? I don't like too because it adds to the bulk but a protective skin at least would absorb the shock.

I was the first person i knew that got an iphone so I'm not on some bandwagon or something. But in that time after spending time with my phone my fiancee, sister, brother in law, best man (Verty) and two work mates have gotten them with a few more friends waiting till they need an upgrade. It's gotten a little crazy, but in this case it's fine to like the popular thing because of it's support, namely the apps.

In all my years i have seriously never had any product that has improved my life more. Other smartphones may do the same for you, or may have to me but this is just my experience. I do the normal phone functions of talking and texting plus an array of stuff i couldn't do on my phone before like watching video on a decent size screen, listen to music, surf the net, read books (wattpad, check it out it should be on my phones I think), check/send emails, play games etc.

It still amazes me some of the cool stuff you can do these days. Like with wattpad I had put LOTR trilogy on there to read. I got about 10 pages into Fellowship before I decided I better start with the hobbit instead. I was in the middle of a train and within 60 seconds I had searched for it and downloaded it and was reading the Hobbit. Once it's saved you don't even need to keep up a signal.

As I said wattpad is on a lot of phones know, as is many of the features the iphone has. I'm just countering Mads point that iphones suck and you would regret getting one. See what else is on the market and try as many as you can and decide for yourself whats best for you but I am one of many happy iphone users that still uses almost very features of it on a daily basis after well over a year.
Rekkie7 said:
Did you use a case for your iphone? I don't like too because it adds to the bulk but a protective skin at least would absorb the shock.

Have an Invisible shield.

Doesn't protect the corners properly, where it would drop.
if you key in a number then get a dial tone it works as a phone = i phone works as a phone. the only problem is you instantly become a yuppy bitch, your chest inflates, your jeans tighten, fluro t-shirts grow in your closet like a fag tree and you make more female friends. be warned.
Dear God you guys are dorks.

Just get a fucking phone with a hearing end and a speaking end, and a damn number pad.
I agree with what Madster said about the shitty microphone now. My old phone could pick up some sound from a concert; I just went to see Muse last night and could hear absolutely nothing on the video I took. My friend's iPhone didn't pick up anything either.
oh well. IMO, the pros outweigh the cons for getting an iPhone.
they do? Hmmm... the only issue i have with it is the battery life really... I was looking at the nokia specs and they seem way ahead in terms of this and this is based on the Nokia Music express which is also fully touch screen.

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