i need a new phone, help me please.

Icepick said:
In terms of smashes, doing apple tech support, I dont see vert many smashed Iphones come up, but yet again, Madster is apparently the authority. If you're adult enough not to swing it around like a medieval mace, than you're fine, but apparently the Iphone keeps flying out of their hands when those foreigners are trying to bang the sheep
iPhones do make good weapons you know. The metal edges are excellent weapons if you hit someone full force on a bone. Bonus points for headshots.
Well, i finally got it, an iPhone 3Gs 16 gb.

They didnt have a HTC Android which was the other option nor did when i spoke to the sales rep, did they say the Nokia X6 was any better.

So the guy said i gotta charge the phone for 8 hours before using it or else the battery may be spoilt or something like that, anyone know why? Its charging now...
They said it to me, too, to charge it before I used it. I didn't necessarily listen, and as such, my battery does run low a bit, so I think it's important you listen to what they said.
That's complete shit.

My iPhone takes 1.5 hours to charge fully, and actually lasts longer than my brothers because i usually have EDGE off.

I let my current one charge for..
Well, no seconds really. First thing i did was jailbreak it. I suppose it was on charge for about 2 hours before i took it off.
So, unless you can overcharge the battery by..what, 40%, you don't need to have it on charge for 8 hours.

BTW, Piracer, Jailbreak it.
piracer said:
What, you mean like hack it? What can i do with it after i do that?
Don't make me list it please. It would take me 2 years.

1.) Themes
2.) Fonts
3.) Games
4.) Emulators
5.) Ringtones
6.) Torrents (Yes, on your iPhone)
7.) Add-ons (ADBlock for Safari? FUCK YEAH!)
8.) Music downloads for free
9.) Youtube video downloaders
10.) eBooks
11.) Porn
12.) Real Bluetooth

And, the best thing for the iPhone -
so ah... how do i go about jailbreaking it?

And is there an app besides google maps that is already loaded on the phone itself? I really rather not have to stream this and that all the time.
piracer said:
so ah... how do i go about jailbreaking it?

And is there an app besides google maps that is already loaded on the phone itself? I really rather not have to stream this and that all the time.

Google ;)

You can grab some GPS apps..
Haven't looked for myself, but i bet you could get some good free ones.
If you know anyone else who's jailbroken their iPhones or itouches, make sure you ask them on how to do it, because if it's done wrong then you can lose your ability to make calls. Happened to my friend.

And Madster, that explains your shitty battery life. The first charge is pretty damn important, I looked it up.
keepithowitis said:
And Madster, that explains your shitty battery life. The first charge is pretty damn important, I looked it up.
The battery in the iPhone isn't a damn Ni-Cd, therefore providing it's charged 100% on first start, it's fine.
Besides, my first 3G i left on charge for like 6 hours first time and i had less life than i do now on my current one.

Also, i agree with the jailbreak thing to an extent.
Providing you're smart and can follow instructions, it should go fine.
Just be careful. Re-read the instructions 3 times..etc, etc.

piracer said:
ah, cool, any website i should take note off for useful apps?
There are none - it's all on the iPhone itself.
I also recommend Icy instead of Cydia (you will learn soon enough), as it's about 600x faster.
lol ok, but i dont even know what that means.

So the consensus is to not charge the phone for the full 8 hours but maybe like half way?
PandoraBox, basically it tells you what apps are on sale/free so you can save money and get cool free swag.

Umm, the majority of everything else is games.. define what you mean by useful. Useful for passing time, or for everyday stuff?
everyday stuff, like i mentioned a GPS or some sorta thing like that, maybe city guides?

actually, how long would it take to charge a flat battery to 100%? an hour?
keepithowitis said:
PandoraBox, basically it tells you what apps are on sale/free so you can save money and get cool free swag.

Umm, the majority of everything else is games.. define what you mean by useful. Useful for passing time, or for everyday stuff?

Tell me you use it keepit. Please.

piracer said:
Actually, how long would it take to charge a flat battery to 100%? an hour?
2 hours.
keepithowitis said:
my phone isn't jailbroken.
What is it though?

You have to jailbreak. It opens so much new stuff up it's incredible.

SBsettings is basically a task manager for the iPhone.

Enable Wi-Fi, EDGE, 3G..etc without opening the settings app.
Change brightness, take notes, kill processes, respring, edit icons..etc.

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