i need a new phone, help me please.


Right, so the phone i'm using now is pretty much given up on me, but to be fair its been dropped in the last 6 years so many times im surprised it still turns on.

I don't really know what to look for except everyone says to get an iPhone. I kinda want one, the apps, and google maps plus the touch screen all seems very nice, but for one i know their kinda flimsy and not very durable. I understand you cant REALLY get both, as in durability with all your functions without paying a ton, but anyway, what phone do you think i should get?

and yes, it is just in time for christmas too :D
Look, if you can get iPhones over there, you should get one. Seriously. Haters be hatin' because they don't have one of their own.

You won't be let down.
The fuck? Who do you know that is breaking their iPhones? They should get tested for steroids.

If you are worried about it, slap a case and screen cover on it for about 30 bucks total.
i phone? come on, thats so 2 months ago. everyone knows the palm pre and pixie is where it is at. nahhh, kidding

seriously, get a i phone.
StalfrosCC said:
Look, if you can get iPhones over there, you should get one. Seriously. Haters be hatin' because they don't have one of their own.

You won't be let down.

I have an iPhone, and it is fucking shit.

Weak, Slow and useless at being a PHONE. Sure, it's great for being a PDA, but you ever want to make a call?
Fuck you, go play some more games.

Want a real phone?
HTC Hero.

Used my brothers one the other day.
So much more responsive than the iPhone it's damn well incredible.
StalfrosCC said:
That sounds like an issue with your provider. And being in a second world country, no s***.

Well, considering the exact same simcard and exact same service worked absolutely flawlessly in my old Motorola V6 - so well, in fact, i could stream live TV to it for hours on end - it's not my provider.

the iPhone is shit. 3 seconds to answer calls after pressing buttons, constant lag, constant app crashing, phone call dropping, refusing the answer calls in the first place.

Add all that with the weak as shit plastic case (after a single drop, i cannot use the volume or silent button) and piss-poor battery life, and you have something no where near as efficient as any other phone in its price range.

It's an iPod Touch with a tacked on 3G phone feature.
So by now, you must have clearly noticed none of us know anything about phones.

Consult a phone store, my friend!
ugh... i was thinking i should just go to the shop and see what they pick out for me, but i dont wanna get ripped off or anything. Whats the HTC Hero like though? Actually, whats the difference between that an a iphone?

And is the iphone 3GS a big step up from the normal iphone 3g?
Basically, my 3GS runs over twice as fast as my mom's 3G. For everything.
And everyone sans Madster knows all the recommissioned and broken iPhones go to Australia, while us Americans/Singaporeans can bask in the glory of these glorious technological advancements. IE don't listen to Madster on this.
The iPhone is good but it certainly isn't the best. I'd go with an HTC Magic or a Droid perhaps.

And as for Stal implying they're durable, I don't know if I'd trust one to make it back from Iraq in one piece.
keepithowitis said:
IE don't listen to Madster on this.
Drop your iPhone onto concrete. Or dirt. Or soft sand.
It broke, right?

My 3 year old motorola still works after being dropped more times than i can count, being run through the washing machine. Twice. And being snapped in 2 pieces (flip phone, use the glue FTW).
I'm able to crush the plastic casing by squeezing the iPhone.

Also, the 3GS' battery life is so terrible it's actually laughable. I get down to a 25% of a full day on my current 3G with 3G turned off, so i can only imagine how much fail the 3GS would be.

Piracer, don't get an iPhone. You will be happy for a month, and then live to regret it if you have any use for a PHONE at all.
Want an iPhone?
Buy a real phone + an ipod touch.
I'm down to 25% after a full day, with about 2 1/2 hours of heavy app use, and about 2 of internet usage, always with 3G on, and sometimes WiFi too. Screen brightness at about 50% for most of the day too.

Matt, i'm guessing you just had a bad run-in with yours. I've dropped my phone five or six times with a simple gel cover thing, no problems whatsoever. I've gotten it wet when I left it in the bathroom while I took a shower - also no problems. I think, with a sturdy enough case, (think an Otter-whatever those are called) that you could make a pretty damn rugged phone out of the iPhone.
iPhones are like iPods and Macs and everything else Apple. They're great for people who don't know what they're doing.
keepithowitis said:
Matt, i'm guessing you just had a bad run-in with yours. I've dropped my phone five or six times with a simple gel cover thing, no problems whatsoever. I've gotten it wet when I left it in the bathroom while I took a shower - also no problems. I think, with a sturdy enough case, (think an Otter-whatever those are called) that you could make a pretty damn rugged phone out of the iPhone.

I think you mean to say i've had a bad run in with 2 of them.

Both of them had the same issues.
Look at your own post - they're for apps and internet, they're absolutely useless as PHONES.

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