Gun control

I think gun control within reason is acceptable. I don't like the idea of buying a "kids sized shotgun" as it was described on the box in Wal-Mart or semi automatic handguns. Rifles and shotguns from a gun store, perfectly acceptable. I'm not sure if this is how it is in America or not but there really should be special permits required to purchase a handgun.
FrozenBacon said:
I think the government should ban cars. They kill over 40,000 people a year. That is just despicable.

I say we ban cars and force all people to use public transportation.

*shoots Frozen*

Oops, I thought the safety was on :?
FrozenBacon said:
I think the government should ban cars. They kill over 40,000 people a year. That is just despicable.

I say we ban cars and force all people to use public transportation.

No, just ban SUVs. They should not be sold to anyone that does not live within 5 miles of a mountain. No one in Kansas should be allowed to own an SUV (They can have a truck, more practical). Also, ban the prius, not because it's dangerous, but because only idiots drive them; it's the new volvo: The smart car for ignorant people.

@urbs sarcasm?

@piracer see drug laws of Portugal and knife crime in England.
I don't think they should be illegal, but it's still too easy in this country for people to get guns when they really shouldn't. For example, the shooter in Tucson. That guy is a mental whack job. People who are mentally unstable should not be able to purchase firearms.

As the supreme court has said, the second amendment only guarantees a right to own a weapon. The government cannot make it impossible for someone to own a weapon. This is why the DC handgun law was struck down. But even the most conservative justices on the court said that the second amendment does not take the right away from the government to regulate handguns as it sees fit - as long as those regulations are reasonable and do not prevent a majority of citizens from acquiring weapons. This is why the court didn't strike down the Federal ban on automatic assault rifles. It actually specifically pointed that law out as an example of something that the US government could do.
No, you had it right in the first sentence, this is not a failure of gun laws, but a failure of the mental health system in this country.

Although I believe the world, in general, has failed when it comes to the mentally challenged.
Sure, the mental health system is a failure in this country. But even if the system worked really well, you'd still want to do checks anyway to prevent someone who had slipped through the system from acquiring a weapon.

But yeah, mental health won't be fixed in this country unless the government does something to help those people who need the help. If you're already incapable of getting mental health, it's most likely because you don't have family members who can support you through it or can't afford it. Which pretty much leaves it up to the government.
WickedLiquid said:
FrozenBacon said:
I think the government should ban cars. They kill over 40,000 people a year. That is just despicable.

I say we ban cars and force all people to use public transportation.

*shoots Frozen*

Oops, I thought the safety was on :?

There's your problem.

First rule of gun safety for jackasses:

Don't point a gun at something you wouldn't want to shoot.

Or the nicer first three rules of the NRA:
1. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
2. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
3. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to shoot.
Bretimus_v2 said:
WickedLiquid said:
FrozenBacon said:
I think the government should ban cars. They kill over 40,000 people a year. That is just despicable.

I say we ban cars and force all people to use public transportation.

*shoots Frozen*

Oops, I thought the safety was on :?

There's your problem.

First rule of gun safety for jackasses:

Don't point a gun at something you wouldn't want to shoot.

Or the nicer first three rules of the NRA:
1. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
2. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
3. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to shoot.

*shoots Bret*

Ohhh, sorry!! That was a ricochet. :?
Will somebody take the damn gun away from Wicked before he kills us all?

FrozenBacon said:
I think the government should ban cars. They kill over 40,000 people a year. That is just despicable.

I say we ban cars and force all people to use public transportation.

I get what you're saying but a car was designed as a faster way to get people from A to B. A gun was designed to kill people. While a car CAN kill people, it's not its purpose to do so therefore It's not really a fair comparison.

I don't see anything wrong with going to a firing range and shooting off a couple rounds. But to actually own a gun is a bit much. I don't know, maybe if I lived in a bad part of town I would see the point in having one for protection. But I honestly think it's entirely unnessasary to own something that was designed to kill another person. But that's just, you know, my opinion man.
Wes, would rather take on a wild animal with a knife, or a gun?

Gun's aren't specifically for shooting people. Humanity would not have made it as far as it has without some form of projectile weaponry. We are not agile creatures, we're rather slow and ungainly.Urbs, judging by his picture and his tree arms, still would be slaughtered by many animals regardless of strength or skill. Without the spear, which was thrown and if that failed used as a pokey stick to keep claws away, and without the bow, (which is a more efficient spear) we would have never made it out of Africa. Without the gun, we would have never tamed America, or any landmass for that matter.

We need our firearms because they are an extension that combats our own inherited weaknesses.

We, on the other hand, can still walk, swim, and run. We aren't hampered by our mobility, only time. People conquered the planet without cars or even bikes. It was done on foot and with a rifle or a bow or a spear. Firearms, and weaponry for that matter, are more important than cars.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Wes, would rather take on a wild animal with a knife, or a gun?

Gun's aren't specifically for shooting people. Humanity would not have made it as far as it has without some form of projectile weaponry. We are not agile creatures, we're rather slow and ungainly.Urbs, judging by his picture and his tree arms, still would be slaughtered by many animals regardless of strength or skill. Without the spear, which was thrown and if that failed used as a pokey stick to keep claws away, and without the bow, (which is a more efficient spear) we would have never made it out of Africa. Without the gun, we would have never tamed America, or any landmass for that matter.

We need our firearms because they are an extension that combats our own inherited weaknesses.

We, on the other hand, can still walk, swim, and run. We aren't hampered by our mobility, only time. People conquered the planet without cars or even bikes. It was done on foot and with a rifle or a bow or a spear. Firearms, and weaponry for that matter, are more important than cars.

Oh, I agree. I don't have a problem with guns, I just think it's unnecessary to own one. There was a time where we needed weapons in order to survive but those days are over. We don't need to hunt for food, and unless you're living up in the sticks then it's highly unlikely you're going to face off with a bear. In today's world there really is no reason for the average citizen to own a gun. The only reason I can think of is hunting and I hate hunting because it's also unnecessary in this day and age. But that's a different topic.

I don't blame the guns, I blame the people. You can only be held guilty or responsible for things you've done out of your own free will. Therefore all these gun accidents are the result of idiots who shouldn't be owning something that can kill you.
Lethean said:
I'm not sure if this is how it is in America or not but there really should be special permits required to purchase a handgun.


Pretty much how I feel about this. And there's really no good reason to refute this seeing as how a few other countries do this. Or require licensing for bullets.

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