Gun play


What the hell have they done with the gun play on battlefield 3. It wobbles around like a drunken bitch. Gave up playing it after two matches. I'd see someone and try aim but the gun waves all around the place and you have to be careful not to move a muscle or it wavers all over again. Ya just can't point and shoot. Tell me what real guns act like this. If all real guns did this, noone would die in wars. Sadly after buying and playing every battlefield game out there, i really don't think i'll be buying this [ unless they change the gun characteristics in the final game]
Ummm, real guns don't waver, but the people holding them do. My dad has lots of stories of being shot at but not getting hit by mere inches.

From what I've noticed, the game pushes for a lot more crouching and prone, and use of wall/bipod combos or the foregrip. I have no problem with the control itself. Sounds like you need to use more burst fire at a distance.

This game feels like BC2 only with the addition of prone and more character animation.
It's more realistic. People brag about CoD being unrealistic, so there you go.

I'm just going to assume your aim is terrible and you may need to run through The Pit again.
I like Battlefield's gun controls. The sprinting and climbing are super shaky, but also pretty cool.
Yeah, I like the animations but I feel like I'm watching the second Bourne movie. Also, is it me or does the HUD sway when you turn and sprint.
The characters actually lean really hard when they're sprinting and turning. My favorite is entering a sprint from a prone position.
used44 said:
The characters actually lean really hard when they're sprinting and turning. My favorite is entering a sprint from a prone position.

It would have been really cool if they'd kinda make you lose your footing if you made a turn that was too sharp, or if you're being shot at.

The AI always does things like that in an FPS, but never the player.

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