Ammo conservation and current gen shooters

Longo_2_guns said:
I swear to God, the next person who says "clip" instead of "magazine" is getting banned. The difference is huge, you guys.

God, this is why no one with taste takes you guys seriously.

Hahaha. Besides saying that "guns are dangerous and no one should have one", this is the best way to infuriate gun fans.

Easy reference for you nubs. A clip goes in a handgun. Everything else, its a magazine.
StickyGreenGamer said:
Easy reference for you nubs. A clip goes in a handgun. Everything else, its a magazine.
But that's wrong.

And daniel, it's like saying "I play guitar" when you really play cello. Big difference, and it makes you look like a tool. For you, even more so than usual.
Longo_2_guns said:
StickyGreenGamer said:
Easy reference for you nubs. A clip goes in a handgun. Everything else, its a magazine.
But that's wrong.

And daniel, it's like saying "I play guitar" when you really play cello. Big difference, and it makes you look like a tool. For you, even more so than usual.

In broad terms, its correct. In more specific terms, no.

Obviously there is no clip for a revolver. Depends in a large part on the specific gun being talked about. For what they are discussing, it'll do, but I don't really think any of them care.
Nope. Even for a handgun, it's still called a magazine.

That metal thing that holds the bullets when you insert them into the gun? That's a magazine. Always.

Clips are an aide to help you load bullets into a magazine. They do not go into the gun itself.
I'm not about to get into a pissing match here.

Clip, whether proper usage or not, has been used enough over the past however many years that it is commonly accepted. People know what you are asking for when you ask one. I think it is ridiculous that people still get worked over something that simple.

You'll find that argument brewing on just about any topic related to a gun somewhere on the internet.
I once decided not to reload even though I still had plenty of bullets left, 5 enemies came running around the corner.

Fuck you, Headquarters.

*I did kill one of them though, I panicked.

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