No-Nonsensical First Person Shooters

Delta47 said:
Trippysmurf said:
There is always Star Wars Battlefront 1+2, but those have a bit more tactical aspects to them.

Tactical? no, no tacticallitly in battlefront. I play it all the time still. the only "tactical" part is command posts.

To an extent. On some levels, like Dagoba or Mos Eisleys, yes you are constantly moving forward, shooting everything in your path.

Others, you actually had to figure out your specific role. Like Kashyyyk Docks where if you were Clone/Rebel, you had to set up Snipers to pick off incoming droids from the lower docks or your forces would be rushed. Or Tattoine Dune Sea, where a ground battle became frustrating (especially when you are fighting two enemies) and you really were dependent on air support.

Basically, levels with vehicles you have to think about your role. Others, just stick with regular solider and keep pushing.
The Ship is a perfect mixture of "Imma kill you with a frying pan!" and "Where should I hide to not get killed by said frying pan?". I've got a free copy or guest pass if you're on Steam and wanna try it out.

L4D isn't as nonsensical as some like to believe. It's really straight forward, but if you screw up once or twice, people die...and people get pissed. Unless you're with friends. Then they laugh about being a human pinata.

I played the F.E.A.R. 2 demo last night and it's pretty much run and gun. The enemies take less (a lot less) to kill than in the first F.E.A.R., but I was also on Normal, so I dunno. And don't worry about getting too relaxed. It'll definitely keep you on the edge of your seat as far away from the monitor as possible.
I've had more fun in my limited time playing Team Fortress 2 than any FPS game in recent memory. The characters are comical, the graphics are a beaut, and the team gameplay is far and away some of the best teamplay in most FPS games.
Good news for those who like old school FPS (I got this email today):

Moscow, February 4, 2009 - 1C Company and Aspyr have today unveiled a website - for upcoming horror FPS NecroVisioN, the game that sees players crawling through the trenches of World War One straight into the jaws of Hell. NecroVisioN is launching exclusively on PC in Spring of 2009.
Fans looking for a classic old-school FPS experience, can use the website to uncover more information about the B-movie style plot of NecroVisioN. Why are the dead rising from their graves? How did a mad German scientist build a huge robot in 1917? What is the mysterious war between vampires and demons? The answers to all these questions and more, can be found within the different pages of the site.
Alongside details about the plot, the site also contains a range of screenshots from NecroVisioN, exclusive videos of the game in action and wallpaper for gamer's desktops. Plus, there's also a forum where players can chat about their tactics for disposing of the undead with other zombie hunters.
NecroVisioN is a fast-paced and furious first-person shooter from The Farm 51 that blends historical detail with horror and alternative reality. Players are put in the shoes of Simon Bukner, an American soldier, who decides to help the British effort to take out the German threat. But that's only the start of his troubles and Bukner soon realises that there's something far more terrible stirring in the trenches: a string of hideous beasts and demons.

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