If i do get a console version, it'll definitely be on PS3. The 360 isn't region free, so it'd cost me about $20-25 more which is significant when i'm trying to save money for a 3DS+pkmn bundle and one of the high tier Star Citizen packs.
Maddy you really need to move away from Australia. That place is so badass what with big rugby players and animal hunters etc, and yet such pussies when it comes to games. WTF dude.
madster111 said:
and even if they had it's too early for a leak anyway. Mid to late next week i expect the 360/PS3 versions to be up somewhere.
Late next week later, the 360 version's up.
16gb, which is pretty big. Hopefully the PS3 version drops most of it on the HDD to avoid the horrible load times.
madster111 said:
madster111 said:
and even if they had it's too early for a leak anyway. Mid to late next week i expect the 360/PS3 versions to be up somewhere.
Late next week later, the 360 version's up.
16gb, which is pretty big. Hopefully the PS3 version drops most of it on the HDD to avoid the horrible load times.

Yup both versions have leaked now.
The console pirates ruin everything again.

Video leaks are already filtering out into the internet but take2 is being really diligent in getting them removed. Some footage has leaked onto the parts of the internet take2 can't remove.
Review embargo lifts monday.

Buy the game and enjoy it friends.
I'm going to the midnight launch. It's going to be fun, because I don't have a ride back. So, it'll take me about an hour to get home. I hope I run into buddies.
UghRochester said:
I'm going to the midnight launch. It's going to be fun, because I don't have a ride back. So, it'll take me about an hour to get home. I hope I run into buddies.

Watch out. Someone may try to jack you for your GTA V copy.

Which store are you going to be leaving again? :twisted:
Preordered from amazon. Things take a little longer to get delivered here, but still better than going to a store and dealing with actual people.
I'm actually more excited to play GTA Online on Xbox now that I know I'll have both used and Ugh to gang up with...

Although I think there are more folks playing on PS3 in our crew.
danielrbischoff said:
Although I think there are more folks playing on PS3 in our crew.

More likely. Is Rockstar sending you a review copy? I imagine that would be for PS3.
Yeah, GTA has been all about the single player aspect for years and years, and then Rockstar are all 'lol jk, we made an MMO'.
And it sounds AWESOME.

I'll probably end up driving out and picking a copy up at midnight. The weeks wait for a US copy would be unpleasant.

I also LOVE the R-18+ rating it's gotten. Not to keep kids out of it, not because it's uncensored or anything.
But because the only warning GTA5 has in Australia is 'Drug use'.
That's it. No violence, no language, etc. It's because it's Grand Theft Auto, you see. They didn't bother to include any other warnings this time around.

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