Game worlds you would actually want to live in.


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Are you a Vvardenfell, Azeroth, sort of D&D guy, or would you rather live in the Mushroom Kingdom? Animal Crossing inhabitant, or citizen of City 17 (DEPRESSING)?

Go wild.
The Super Mario 64 castle....i could beat up King Bomb-omb all day...

KotOR world would be good....eventhough in the first one there was a massive war going on and in the second one the galaxy was in ruins.

Half-Life (1, not 2 - City 17 is the most depressing place ever) - I'd love to live and work in the Black Mesa facility; pushing carts around and shooting aliens.
The SWKotoR world would be interesting to live in, mainly because of all the upheaval, but I think if I could choose it would either be the world in Oblivion or Jade Empire. Mind you I played enough of Oblivion for it to feel like I lived there :roll:
Hmm...I'm spacing out right now. The only one I remember liking is the FFX world. Freaking Blitzball.

Also, the least desirable world for me would be that of Drakengard. Messed. Up.

Wait, why hasn't anyone said Pokemon yet???
De-Ting said:
Wait, why hasn't anyone said Pokemon yet???

Hm, yeah that would be a fun world to live in.

Though if I were approached by a sailor who says he likes feisty kids like me, proceeds to whip out his balls and summon his pocket monster, I'd be pretty mortified. Especially since I'm already on a mission to handle every animal I see on behalf of a crotchety old man who handed me his pocket monster to hold on to.
Squiggy said:
Though if I were approached by a sailor who says he likes feisty kids like me, proceeds to whip out his balls and summon his pocket monster, I'd be pretty mortified. Especially since I'm already on a mission to handle every animal I see on behalf of a crotchety old man who handed me his pocket monster to hold on to.
Sounds like the south.
Well, i fell in love with Fable, i won't mind being a barmaid in Bowerstone or a court magician (I'm not gay!).
But then, being a mercenary in Farcry 2's random Africa country would be hardcore...

De-Ting said:
Wait, why hasn't anyone said Pokemon yet???
oh yeah, Pokemon! gotta get me a squirtle!
The Citadel from Mass Effect seems like a nice place to live, you've got criminals fighting in the hallways, bartenders at the strip club spying on you, giant and not so giant biotic machines wrecking up the place and trying to take it over, then there's monotonous bovine like beings, pretty trees, evangelical jellyfish, and if none of that appeals then you could always visit good old planet Earth. Oh wait, Earth is a crime infested shit bag now... at least you can still bang alien chicks, so of course I want to live there! (I really really really do not want to see a Krogan male or female naked in any way, that would have been an awkward and unsettling way to get the Paramour achievement.)
Cyrodil in Oblivion really captivated me. Maybe because it was pretty lifelike and beautiful, or maybe because it was the first "next-gen" feeling game I played. But on my fifth playthrough, I often fantasized about how living in there would be. The first thing I would do is make a revolver, and then I would take over the world. And then I would have an orgy. With nord women.

And that's all I can think of for right now.
^^ De-ting you sick f***

Well, since someone brought up Oblivion, i would love to live in Morrowind. Maybe join the imperial guards or House Hlaalu!
Final Fantasy X world...I forget what it's called (Spira?). Especially Besaid, how chilled out is that place...ah :D

I would play blitzball and ride chocbos, and then say HI to Tidus, Wakka and Auron. But say, HEY BABY to Yuna, Rikku, and Lulu.
I'd want to live in Cyrodil and try to overthrow Grey Fox, but I think I'd probably end up just getting my goods stolen from my store all the time so others can make potions and sell them back to me as non-stolen like I'm oblivious.

Or any of the GTA worlds, do whatever you want, make a shit ton of money doing it, if you run from the police they leave you alone next time they see you, if you get caught you just pay a little money out of the 100 million + you have. If you get in a forty car pileup and a boat lands on your head you can just go to the hospital for a day. etc. etc. etc.

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