Game Revolution's Top 100 Games of the era! 10-1 (pg 5)


As the PS4 and Xbox One approach their launch dates we enter a new generation of gaming that will sure to bring us years of enjoyment. But we also say good-bye to our beloved systems of this era.

So let's go out with some class and rank down our top 100 games of the past 7 years. This list is brought to you by the letters F and U, and by voters like YOU!

Each day we'll count down ten games at a time! Each game comes complete with the GR Report Card to see how they were rated at the time of their release. Although the bottom of the list is hard to find any ranking at all for them on GR haha.

Let's-a go!

Angry Birds


You can’t escape it, not even on GR! So get your Porkpie Hat and your Starbucks Caramel Mocha with Espresso shot and a hint of glutten-free cinnamon, it’s time to play Angry Birds. Why do so many people love Angry Birds? Well it’s a simple flash game that anyone can pick up and play with ease. It takes skill, albeit not much skill, and there is a version out there made just for you. Unless you hate Angry Birds, then the version made for you would be nothing.

Not Rated on GR

Scott Pilgrim VS the World


There’s no question that in recent years video games based off movies can be some of the worst titles in the library. But it’s kind of hard to screw up when the movie is already a video game. This hopeless romantic and his fellow Canucks travel through a 16-bit style Beat-Em-Up to defeat the seven evil exes and it couldn’t be more awesome-tacular.

GR’s Report Card

+ Cute, cartoony presentation
+ Challenging...
- ...but incredibly cheap at points
+ Great local co-op...
- ...but no online multiplayer
- Extremely exploitable leveling system

Super Street Fighter IV


Street Fighter is an iconic series that helped pave the way for fighter games. There is no doubt that within the past 25 years Street Fighter has created some of the most well-known characters in fighters and competitive gameplay enjoyed by many all over the world. Still waiting on a Canadian Street Fighter though, instead of you know, a 12th Japanese Fighter or 10th United States Fighter. Ah well, one can dream, one can dream…

GR’S Report Card

+ Fuller roster
+ Character rebalancing and Ultra II
+ Seth's A.I. scales to difficulty
+ Improved online mode and rankings
+ Arranged BGM option
+/- What it should have been in the first place?
- Doesn't really try to make a good story
- Still can't shut music off completely
- No Gallery?

Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City


This game isn’t even listed on GR, I kid you not. You damn hipsters. HK can tell you all why it is awesome though, and I’m sure it is better than Angry Birds so congrats.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent


GR Report Card

The Good: Frightening atmosphere, haunting ambiance, clever puzzles, great story

The Bad: Puzzles can be obscure a lot of the times, no combat means action fans may turn away, some object hunting problems

Gears of War 3


GR’s Report Card

+ Purposeful campaign
+ Great cast of characters
- Except for Jace
+/- Excellent conclusion(?!)
+ Bright, colorful, even vivid environments
+ Mad World
+ Fast, frantic competitive multiplayer
+ Matchmaking with dedicated servers
- Some minor balancing issues
+ Horde Mode 2.0
- Not enough Cole Train

Diablo 3


GR’s Report Card

+ Five classes, all worth playing
+ ...because the combat is so good
+ Quality of cut-scenes is heavenly
- ...but not the limited social interaction
+ Lots of loot for your collection
+ Plenty of challenge to keep you engaged
-A launch week worth crying about

The Last Story


GR’s Report Card

+ A JRPG that's hugely innovative
- Chugs on Wii hardware
+ Emotionally affecting characters
+ Amazing ending
- Minor camera issues
+ Did I mention innovative?
+ Fantastic gameplay
+ Fine-tuned controls

Dead Space 2


GR’s Report Card

+ Incredible first few chapters
+ Top-notch art and sound design
+ Solid shooting mechanics
- Runs out of steam early on
- Recycled weapons and enemies
- Unnecessary multiplayer

Skate 3


GR’s Report Card

+ Ambitious online play
+ Deep clan support
+/- Same solid mechanics
- Performance issues
- Heavily limited competition areas
- Flawed team events
I'm glad to see this tradition is continuing. Although I have to say I'm pretty shocked to see Street Fighter IV, Dead Space 2 and Gears of War 3 at the bottom of the list.
At least Etrian Odyssey III beat out Angry Birds, and if I played Etrian Odyssey IV, it would be there at #96.
Nice work on the GR reviews - that's the stuff that'll get you fame m'boy.

Although I dont like seeing Dead Space and Skate that low. WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNEEE
Maybe Skate 2 is (rightfully) higher? I love them skate games. Bummer they're not a thing anymore.
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks


He’s bringin cel-shading back, YEAH! Those other Link’s don’t know how to act, YEAH!

GR Report Card

+ A fun take on Zelda games
+ Clever puzzling
+ The princess is your travel companion
+ Just plain fun
- Stylus control issues
- Ridin’ the train too long

Injustice: Gods Among Us


Have you ever asked yourself who would win in a fight; Batman or Superman? How about Green Arrow or Superman? Or…. Harley Quinn VS Superman? Well now you can find out! From the creators of the Mortal Kombat series comes a DC Fighting game with a compelling story and awesome gameplay. If you were disappointed by the MK vs DC game then fear not, for this one has come to PUNCH YOU INTO OUTER SPACE… Superman wins…

GR’s Report Card

+ High-flying production values
+ Environmental beatdowns
- ... sometimes feel over-powered and easily abused
+ Varied and deep roster
+ Tons of unlockables and faithful fan service
+ Each fighter feels different
- ...but some are definitely unbalanced
+ Online modes feel like an arcade experience
+ Energetic, dramatic presentation and a real love of the brand



Bayonetta is an intense action game that involves a chick who gets naked. Do I really need to say more? No, no I don’t.

GR’s Report Card

+ Deep, fluid combat
+ Sexy aesthetic
+ Hairy action
+ Flexible weapon choice
+ Repeat performer
- Predictable structure
- Occasional performance issues

Halo Reach


GR’s Report Card

+ Perfect franchise fusion
+ Challenging
+ New abilities and technology
+ Improved Firefight mode
+ Deathmatch heaven
+ Custom Spartans
+/- Lack of dual-wield

League of Legends


GR’s Report Card

+ Diverse and well-balanced play
+ Bright, colorful graphics
+ Genuinely fun
+ Free!?!?
- Some missing features
- Typical opponent is still a total dick
- Lackluster singleplayer A.I.
- Dearth of maps (for now)



GR’s Report Card

+ Call of Duty and Battlefield made a baby
+ Battlepoints are fun to earn, save, and spend
+ Vehicles and Infantry play well
+ Campaign has great set pieces
+ ... and a great set up...
- but it's way too short...
- and certain story elements don't hit hard enough.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


GR’s Report Card

+ Cinematic graphics
+ Variety in gameplay
+ Deep and rich multiplayer
- Very Short
- Generic multiplayer maps

Mario Kart Wii


The Mario Kart series has been a favorite for many Nintendo fans for generations young and old. And the Wii version keeps us coming back for more. Oh, you’re in last place? Well how about turning into a Bullet Bill and speeding into first! BAM! That. Just. Happened.

GR’s Report Card

+ Classic MK gameplay with fun additions
+ Best overall MK visuals to date
+ New trick system
+ Huge replay value
+ Awesome online
+ Race as your Mii
+ 'Snaking' chopped off at the neck
- Occasional item-overkill
- Cheap 150-cc hobbles
- 'Wiicycled' courses pale before new ones
- No more 4-player free-for-alls? WTF?
- Some item and difficulty issues

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


One of the most epic games ever made… meh, until Skyrim. But hey now let’s not just brush this off as a Has-Been. When Oblivion came out, it took a look at MMORPG’s and was all like “cool story, bro.â€
Golden made one of the greatest games ever even better. What can possibly be better than it?
So wait, when did Ivory_Soul work for GR?
EDIT: Nevermind, just thinking Wicked was using official GR reviewers.
Final Fantasy XIII-2


This era was not kind to Final Fantasy. PS1 had FF games that many consider to be some of the best games of all time, while the PS2 continued to adore fans with its installments. This time things got a bit messy. Final Fantasy 13 is probably the most polarizing FF game in its entire library. Some people loved it, others hated it. Then there was FF14, let’s not even go there. But 13-2 improved on a lot of things, some argue it’s what FF13 should have been but regardless it’s as good as the FF series gets on this gen.

GR’s Report Card

/ It’s a lot like FFXIII
+ Battle system returns with a few nice tweaks
+ Monster collection and growth is well done
+ A return to non-linear exploration
- …perhaps too non-linear
- Convoluted and nonsensical plot

Fire Emblem Awakening


GR’s Report Card

+ Telling a tale
+ Wrapping up a ton of characters
+ Losing someone you love is gut-wretching
+ Gorgeous cutscenes
+ Deep strategy
- Shows the original 3DS's shortcomings
+ Hardcore, but friendly entertainment
+ Plenty 'Clang' for your buck
- It ends
+ Weekly DLC spanning the entire Fire Emblem series

Pokemon Black & White


It was either that or a Michael Jackson joke.

GR’s Report Card

+ Many new features
+ A whole lot of new Pokémon
+ New multiplayer variants
+ More diversity
- Overall, just another Pokémon



GR’s Report Card

+ Smooth and classic 2D animation
+ Shifting from day to night is impressive
+ No "roadblocks," completely open
- Inventory system isn't intuitive enough
- Is nobody online?

Guild Wars 2


GR’s Report Card

+ A beautiful world to explore....
+ ...and the engine actually runs well.
+ Dynamic events keep the leveling experience exciting.
+ And you get rewarded for almost everything you do.
/ End-game dungeons might not hold your attention...
/ ...and boy are they difficult.
+ PvP can hang with the best of 'em.
- But the auto-balancing makes playing with a friend frustrating.
+ WvW brings large-scale PvP back to MMOs.
+ Collect, achieve, and explore without a monthly fee.

Kindoms of Amalur: Reckoning


GR’s Report Card

+Well-written dialogue by R.A. Salvatore
+ The House of Sorrows
- Cliched plot, side quests lack significance
+ Strong voice-work
- ...but with heavy synch issues
+ Strong hybrid of combat and exploration
+ Lush, vivid environments
+ 60+ hours of content
+ Complementary skill system
- Could have a much stronger ending
- Camera isues

Sins of a Solar Empire


GR’s Report Card

+ Looks good and scales well
+ Game helps you keep track of everything
+ Excellent multiplayer
+ Great music
+ Balanced, enjoyable combat
- Limited single-player appeal
- High learning curve
- Shallow end-game options
+/- Say goodbye to sleep

Battlefield 3


GR’s Report Card

+ First in class multiplayer
+ Drop-dead gorgeous engine
+ Four distinct classes
+ Powerful, yet vulnerable vehicles
+ A blend of skill and tactics
- Lackadaiscal singleplayer
- Me-too cooperative campaign
- Totally skippable outside of multiplayer
+ No better competitive first-person shooter to date
+ Hours of gameplay worht your money

Saints Row 2


GR’s Report Card

+ Much larger than the original game
+ More than 40 solid hours of gameplay
+ Great choice of voice actors including Neil Patrick Harris (NPH!)
+ Works hard to earn its M rating
+ Zombie Uprising
+ Excellent music selection
- Occasional visual glitch
- Sometimes braindead A.I.



GR’s Report Card

+ An adventure game for men, not elves
+ Lots of hardcore/old school shout-outs
+ A lot of color for a dark game
+ The voice of the Joker
- Poorly mapped controls
- Combat system needs improvement

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