DirectX11 & Mind Altering Substances


Unless you're having a fabulous London Fog.

I've seen Grandma's Boy like three times too many. I don't know why.
UghRochester said:
Sightless said:
What about chai?
It doesn't matter what you call it, tea is tea. Unless you're talking about something like a masala chai, in which case, there are a couple of considerations: it tastes fine on its own without milk, but it will also taste like a different beverage, more 'traditional', if you have your liquid as a water-milk mixture. I see it as a milk base, similar to a latté, and thus falls into the category of tea in milk. When making masala chai, or spiced chai, the water and milk go in together; milk is not added afterwards, as you see commonly with black teas (e.g., english breakfast, earl grey).
The only reason I mentioned milk was because THC is not water soluble. Brewing it as a tea, in only water, wont give you much of a effect at all.

Mushrooms on the other hand brew great with tea in water. Just add a little honey to taste.
I'm pretty sick of marijuana advocates shirking responsibility when it comes to their drug use. 1% of fatal traffic deaths can be tied directly to marijuana use only. There are roughly 40,000 traffic deaths a year, so 400 per year. While the number is small, it is certainly not zero. It is double the rate of cocaine alone traffic deaths. So, what, score one for the cocaine users?

Nowhere in that quote does it say that the overdoses were attributed to marijuana use. It's saying marijuana is a gateway drug, which if you were reasonable you'd agree that it totally is. It's the stronger drugs that people are overdosing on, stronger drugs that one would never come across if it weren't for their recreational marijuana use. Just because you didn't jump from marijuana to cocaine to heroin, and so on doesn't mean it doesn't happen. But this is the myopic view of a pothead, that if it didn't happen to them it didn't happen at all.

Having said that, you don't necessarily need one drug before the other, like marijuana before cocaine, and anyone's capable of anything, including keeping their marijuana habit under control. I just hate the righteous indignation of some pot smokers. A little more responsibility on their part would be awesome. And a lot more responsibility on the government's part would be incredible.
But they are coming across black market dealers with those harder drugs because of prohibition, not because marijuana inherently makes you want to do harder drugs. These dealers will often ask if they are interested in something different.

Now if someone is already interested in trying other drugs marijuana is not going to effect that choice, they already had the intention.

The drug overdoses have no correlation to the marijuana use. Thats what I was saying.

I get what your saying but your also jumping the gun as well.
Regulation and taxation is a much safer framework.
I think it's a drug culture. Once you've allowed yourself in, you'll invariably find someone who's connected or using some drug other than marijuana. So you smoke. Know anyone using or abusing pills, some other drug?
It may not be us, but it's the people we know, and part of the culture of using is sharing.
More power to the gateway argument. It does happen and by saying it only happens when the circumstances allow it to happen will, in the long run, strengthen the anti-movement.
The best argument for gateway theory is that we teach that marijuana is such a dangerous drug. That it ruins lives.
Then when people try it they realize "Holy shit, they have been lying to us!" and then they get a false sense of security and wonder if other drug dangers have been lied about.

I dont support teaching that. Prohibition causes harm.

I support in real drug education and harm reduction and that includes teaching safe, responsible, intelligent, substance use. It also includes drug treatment programs for those who need help. We shouldn't lie about recreation or medicinal use of marijuana. And we definitely shouldnt be putting people in jail for a public health issue.
I agree with you here. Nancy Reagan's Just Say No campaign was the wrong way to go about it. I agree with education, too.

But the country isn't going pro-pot anytime soon, not on whole, and people will continue to buy their drugs from a local dealer. The stigma that marijuana is a gateway drug will continue, but it's not just a stigma because it really is a gateway drug. Even after it's legalized and taxed, it'll still take years to rebrand marijuana as a legal alternative to drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. But at least we're already on the way there.
I will disagree with you on it actually being a gateway drug.

As long as we can agree that people shouldn't be put in jail for a public health issue and should be able to get medical help when needed though, I think that's a big step to a better world.

Your a good sir.
The prison–industrial complex and their lobbyists don't want legalization, and why would they? Keeping it illegal keeps hundreds of thousands of people at work. A pro public opinion isn't strong enough, this is legalization's biggest battle.
Chris_Crime said:
1% of fatal traffic deaths can be tied directly to marijuana use only. There are roughly 40,000 traffic deaths a year, so 400 per year. While the number is small, it is certainly not zero. It is double the rate of cocaine alone traffic deaths. So, what, score one for the cocaine users?
Bet 1/2 of those are from people too high to swerve quick enough to avoid drunk drivers.
i don't get how someone can argue it isn't a gateway drug. i experienced it, every single friend i had and have has experienced it.

eventually marijuana just doesn't cut it anymore when you're smoking it day in and day out, so you decide to try something a little stronger.

happens to ALMOST everyone, if not everyone. the only people it doesn't happen to are super casual, usually older people who just smoke it here and there to chill out.

and i fully support the legalization of marijuana. i just think arguing otherwise on the gateway issue is ridiculous though.

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