Dead Space

Yokiro said:
Well, I went to Gamestop, Game Crazy, and Walmart, none of them had it, and weren't getting it anytime soon. I hate living in FuckAllTown USA.
I live in NYC and I couldn't find it anywhere. Local Game Stop says they'll have it around 12pm or 2pm today.
Awesome, so they just weren't very good at getting it to stores then? Or they messed up the release dates? Because I definetely say the 20th of October floating around somewhere, as well as hearing about people getting it a few days ago... Whatever. :( I wanted the Limited Ultimate Edition which got sold out and will cry for the rest of my OCD ridden life that I don't have it. :'(
It's something like the release date is the date it ships, and not the day when the general public can walk into a store and pick it up. It's really fucking stupid, and they need to start shipping the day before it's "released".

Basically if you don't live by a major shipping hub you're ass out. Also, how the fuck isn't NYC a major shipping hub? Maybe it's just my neighborhood.
Apparently it's an aggravating game to get to.
About the getting shipped thing, that doesn't make much sense to me because where I worked and I know many many other places have this, you have the game/item before the release date but are just obliged by law not to open the package or put it out before then. Guess it works differently over here, but I remember putting out all the biggest games out on the shelves as soon as I came in for the morning of the release date because I was just cool like that.
America, yet again you disappoint me.
^That's the way it usually goes in America 99% of the time. I don't know what's up with this game.
Should I get this game for PS3 or 360? Cause I'm going to go get it and don't know which I should get.
The PS3 exclusive armor looked cooler than the 360 armor. I think those were for pre-orders only, but I'm sure they'll make them available some time.

I can't stand playing FPS (or most other games) on the DualShock, so i personally would go with the Xbox version.
The PS3 armor definetely looks cooler, but I'm stuck with the yellow looking stuff, if I ever manage to get the game. I thought they were for whoever owned the game within two weeks of the release date and got online to download it...
Maybe I'm stupid and misread the article, but I'm going to hook up Live just to check it out for sure. :D
I ended up with the 360 version, simply because I asked the clerk to choose for me and the 360 glass case was already open. The DLC armor isn't as cool as the PS3 one, so I was kinda leaning towards PS3 because of that, but I don't care either way.

And on the subject of controllers, I've never been bothered by the dualshock, maybe because I'm used to it or maybe because I'm pretty much ambidextrous and the thumb being lower never bothered me.

Also, Dead Space is fucking awesome. Get it now.
used44 said:
^That's the way it usually goes in America 99% of the time. I don't know what's up with this game.

Or at least it used to, nowadays it seems like only surefire block busters are handled this way. Anything big enough for wide ranged midnight releases, and everything else is a crap shoot.

Longo_2_guns said:
Also, Dead Space is f****** awesome. Get it now.
Agreed. As close to a must-buy any survival horror can get.
I finally got it, and I obsessed too much about my lack of an internet connection for Live that I couldn't enjoy it and had to turn it off until I completed my true task of attaining that which is free to me!
Plus, I couldn't see because I was too tired by the time I got home with it, so go figure, I'm still trying to sleep, but don't want to play it while sleepy and waste the experience.
I almost pissed myself within ten minutes of playing it though, I love it.
crazycracker22 said:
Gawd I want to play it. Fallout 3 special edition is just 2 weeks away... I can make it... I can make it...
I know what you mean. I'm using this and Fable 2 as filler to Fallout. Each Tuesday is just another checkpoint to the promised land.

Beat the game on Medium. I'm currently in the process of maxing out my character on that save in a 2nd playthrough. I also made the decision to jump past Hard ,as it had no achievements, and jumped right into Impossible. The pacing on Medium was great, maybe a little easy from a strictly combat perspective, but tense enough to keep me on my toes the whole time. It was very enjoyable. I'm getting one shotted by the lowliest of monsters. I think I can probably do it, but after 1000/1000 COD2 and COD4, I feel no drive to prove my greatness.

That said I'll give it a try and see if I either acclimate and begin to like it, or get fed up and move onto other titles. Even if that happens, I still might go back later and do it as a matter of pride.
Woot! Toys R Us got Dead Space in this morning, picked it up along with Fifa and Hells Highway as placeholder games until Far Cry 2 and either Fable 2 or Fallout 3.

I will post impressions later on tonight.
I got it two nights ago. Still didn't play it, fucking exams. And my girlfriend is all on my case. Now I have to SLEEP. And later today there's a party at my house, and I wanna play it at night. Fuck this sheeeeit.

As for buying, I found it at my local gamestop. I don't believe in pre-ordering, it's just bullshit. If you don't find something, just walk on over to Best Buy and they always have extra copies.
I think I'm having more fun writing down and deciphering all the blood scribbling on the walls than I am with the actual game itself.
They're just the only puzzles in the game that take me more than a second to figure out, even though now I don't even have to write them down because I recognize all the characters, so even it is getting too easy.
Oh well, I love the game entirely, it's really fun on every levels, I just have to know what the things say, and I have to do it myself, so it's really distracting me from the gameplay because I think I only clear out the areas now just so I can explore them safely. :cry:

(Zero oxygen and zero gravity environments by the way... fucking amazing.)

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