The Whole Infinity Ward Fiasco

Hey now, I don't mean to toot my own horn or anything since I made this topic too, but if you want to discuss MW2 you can do it here. Let's try to keep this about the actual firing of the presidents of IW and what will happen now.

Also, if you wanna discuss Bad Company 2, I made a topic for that too
I think it is obvious that IW heads disagreed with the Activision Board of Directors ( most likely along the lines of make one COD every year because it increases stock value and NO IW likes quality) and then Activision proceeded to Javelin glitched their asses out on to the streets.

And Activision will get away with it because they have more $$ and lawyers then the two guys from IW.
schimmel said:
he Call of Duty franchise has been broken up and given to Treyarch (Call of Duty: World At War, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 2: Big Red One) to take the lead on

CoD: WaW = Good, but clearly different from MW
CoD 3 = UTTER TRASH. The only CoD game on the 360 I've never beat. Hooray for cover that doesn't provide cover, and glitches that cause enemies to go into bullet time!
CoD2: BR1 = Did anyone even play this? Wasn't it on the original Xbox?

Basically Activision once again pulled the whole "We're a bunch of greedy, corporate fucks who don't care about games, only profit" card, which not only has pissed off gamers, but pissed off game producers who will now head to EA and make games everyone buys while people stay away from the next CoD: Mediocre.

BigZell2020 said:
De-Ting said:
Speaking of MW2, has anyone run into some fags with unlimited grenades?

Scavenger pro = unlimited everything

Wrong, there is a bug using the Class Changing backpack thing. What you do is choose a class with that and a newb tube. Run out of ammo, use the backpack to switch back to that class. Repeat ad infinum. They are trying to fix this, but its just a matter of time before another cheap ability is discovered, like the double 1887s before that. The game isn't based on skill, its about being a cheap shit.
Trippysmurf said:
schimmel said:
he Call of Duty franchise has been broken up and given to Treyarch (Call of Duty: World At War, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 2: Big Red One) to take the lead on

CoD: WaW = Good, but clearly different from MW
CoD 3 = UTTER TRASH. The only CoD game on the 360 I've never beat. Hooray for cover that doesn't provide cover, and glitches that cause enemies to go into bullet time!
CoD2: BR1 = Did anyone even play this? Wasn't it on the original Xbox?

I just figured people would get it, they didn't need it spelled out to them. WaW was a decent attempt at a dead style (WWII shooters) but ultimately bombed because everyone knew a new Modern Warfare was coming out
Hey, it had Kiefer Sutherland doing voice over work.

As for going to EA, they already worked on MoH:Allied Assault. Nothing liking jumping back on the ship you just jumped from, eh?
I don't wanna see them making new MoH games though, I want a new franchise from them. MoH has been pretty bad lately and I feel it's time to just let the franchise die
Trippysmurf said:
Wrong, there is a bug using the Class Changing backpack thing. What you do is choose a class with that and a newb tube. Run out of ammo, use the backpack to switch back to that class. Repeat ad infinum. They are trying to fix this, but its just a matter of time before another cheap ability is discovered, like the double 1887s before that. The game isn't based on skill, its about being a cheap s***.

I realize this, what I am saying is why does anyone care about people using a glitch that is 10x harder to do than just putting scavanger on. Switching classes with One Man Army takes a long time...and generally will get you killed plus it takes away your secondary.

Now throw on scavenger, RPG as secondary and any gun with a noob tube...and you have unlimited everything without the hassle of waiting for One Man Army, plus you get the benefit of having the ridiculously overpowered RPG to go along with it.
I hate RPG/noob fighting. Give me a SCAR with ACOG any day.

Also, I played just the other day with a guy doing this, and he was getting owned cuz he was corner crouching every thirty seconds.
Green_Lantern said:
Red dot/Holo sight > ACOG for assault rifles.

Agreed, the SCAR w Holo is my favorite gun in the game.

schimmel said:
WaW was a decent attempt at a dead style (WWII shooters) but ultimately bombed because everyone knew a new Modern Warfare was coming out

I don't think WWII shooters will ever be "dead". If EA or Activision were smart, they would have a shooter set up for The Pacific. That or expect a huge resurgence of WaW players alongside this miniseries.

Likewise, killing Nazis will never get boring.

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