Atheism vs Christianity

Typewriter said:
I just don't like agnostics. :? Real talk. Fence-sitters need to pick a side.

Well, I'm agnostic because I personally believe that nobody has a friggin clue how the Universe began (or how it's always been here). Everybody is always 100% sure that they're right and everyone else is wrong. What a load of bull crap I tell ya.

Atheists annoy the hell out of me; the majority of them are just angry teens who need something to rebel against. While other Atheists steer clear of religion because they say it's ignorant.... and yet saying there is no God isn't ignorant? Gimme a break.

Religion annoys me a bit to. Here you have Christians claiming a white guy was the son of God, and you have the Muslims claiming a brown guy was the true prophet? Gee, I wonder why....

As for reincarnation, if we're all reincarnated then shouldn't the population always be at an equal number so the souls of the dead can go to the souls of the newborn? If we started out with 50 people on this planet, how the hell did our souls get reincarnated from generation to generation if we're at 6 billion?

Now, I don't want to really piss people off with this post and I'm sorry if I've done so. I just honestly think that nothing can be proven regarding how life began on this planet. Some people just can't accept that and therefore they choose to believe in something and have faith. That's fine, I don't have a problem with that, just don't try to tell others they're wrong. STFU and worry about yourself.

Also, I just wanted to add something here. Since IMO nothing can be proven, I like to think it's better to believe there is a purpose for us besides there being nothing out there but an empty void into eternity.
Well, that was all a TL;DR so I'm gonna just say that as an.. agnostic (shut up typewriter), but leaning towards atheism, i just think it's ridiculous that people go around believing things that are obviously impossible and (i believe) one or two were proven false. How they go praising jesus christ at every fucking moment, pledge of allegiance, money, sports games, the list goes on. It pisses me off more that these hardcore christians believe they can do whatever the hell they want to our government and fuck up the separation of church and state even more than it is. Also, fuck state militias. I believe that goes hand in hand with hardcore christianity.
Religion finds answers through claim, science finds answers through evidence.

I think atheism is being perceived as very negative. I'm atheist, and I don't think this world is filled with no meaning or anything positive. I just think religion clouds people's minds. They look to a higher power for strength, when really it's all in their head (just what I think). I say we don't need religion, and we should work on finding strength and meaning in each other and ourselves to make ourselves happy, not some higher power.

To quote Homer Simpson: If we were all like Ned Flanders, we wouldn't need a heaven, because we'd already be there.
WickedLiquid said:
Typewriter said:
I just don't like agnostics. :? Real talk. Fence-sitters need to pick a side.

Well, I'm agnostic because I personally believe that nobody has a friggin clue how the Universe began (or how it's always been here). Everybody is always 100% sure that they're right and everyone else is wrong. What a load of bull crap I tell ya.

Atheists annoy the hell out of me; the majority of them are just angry teens who need something to rebel against. While other Atheists steer clear of religion because they say it's ignorant.... and yet saying there is no God isn't ignorant? Gimme a break.

Religion annoys me a bit to. Here you have Christians claiming a white guy was the son of God, and you have the Muslims claiming a brown guy was the true prophet? Gee, I wonder why....

As for reincarnation, if we're all reincarnated then shouldn't the population always be at an equal number so the souls of the dead can go to the souls of the newborn? If we started out with 50 people on this planet, how the hell did our souls get reincarnated from generation to generation if we're at 6 billion?

Now, I don't want to really piss people off with this post and I'm sorry if I've done so. I just honestly think that nothing can be proven regarding how life began on this planet. Some people just can't accept that and therefore they choose to believe in something and have faith. That's fine, I don't have a problem with that, just don't try to tell others they're wrong. STFU and worry about yourself.

Also, I just wanted to add something here. Since IMO nothing can be proven, I like to think it's better to believe there is a purpose for us besides there being nothing out there but an empty void into eternity.

There's a point at which the empirical system fails us, and we have to start making inferences. If there is no evidence for God, no reason to extrapolate his existence based on anything in the physical world, then by extension there is no reason to believe he exists. Atheism is not "God does not exist'; it's "I believe God does not exist", just as theism is a belief, not an affirmation. Whether or not I believe in such has no bearing on the truth in any regard, yet simply saying that nobody's allowed to form an opinion because we don't, or cannot, know the truth is just silly.
through claim?

some, perhaps. many even, i suppose. but start examining issues of ontology, how things came to be and the nature of existence, and there's a very justified foundation for those who claim some sort of transcendent being not only is, but MUST be the source of the universe. rational evidence, not just claim.

now as for whether than being is personal, well, there are those who believe they can argue effectively for that. arguments using reason and science, not just mystical experiences and "divine revelation."

William Craig tries to do so in his Kalam Cosmological Argument. check it out, a lot of it is pretty decent stuff.
Plain logic tells us that there is no god. I trust logic, not some crap people made up because they weren't advanced enough to know how the world worked.

People hate on Aheism, saying it's on par with Christianity when it comes to ignorance. It's not. Atheists simply don't believe because their logic tells that there isn't a God. I bet most Atheists want a God to exist, I'm one of them. I wanna be around for eternity in some form. That's simply impossible though. Oh well.
TheZoomZoomKid said:
Plain logic tells us that there is no god. I trust logic, not some crap people made up because they weren't advanced enough to know how the world worked.

People hate on Aheism, saying it's on par with Christianity when it comes to ignorance. It's not. Atheists simply don't believe because their logic tells that there isn't a God. I bet most Atheists want a God to exist, I'm one of them. I wanna be around for eternity in some form. That's simply impossible though. Oh well.

Logic also tells people that because we can't accurately explain the beginning of life or the universe, there must be some supernatural being that created it all.

Don't use logic. Use science. Science can neither prove the existence of a God, nor can it disprove it. Atheism is ignorant and no different than any religious belief. It is just that...a belief...not backed up by any empirical evidence. You cannot prove to me that there is no God, anymore than the Pope can prove there is one.

There is nothing wrong with being sceptical, but being dogmatic and close minded just causes problems.
I don't see how Atheism is as ignorant a Christianity when it's just lack of belief of a deity. Saying there is a deity is quite different, and one of the most ignorant things someone can believe when everything about the world and universe is evidence against it.

Science can't disprove a deity because there's nothing around us that can. That fact alone says there isn't one.
I believe the only ignorance in this thread is everyone trying to disprove the bible without knowing anything about it.

Pick up an LDS bible. It has footnotes at the bottom of each page linking things together that different people, hundreds of years apart and with no knowledge of each other, said that all make perfect sense to me.

So please just no more saying the bible was written by old guys that just wanted to explain their own existance to themselves.
"God created man in his own image" - Genesis 1:27.

... Look around. Do any of you REEAALLYY want to meet this guy?
I really want to stay out of this one because I feel like no matter what we say or type in here, it becomes noise and a shout match just because of our differences in opinionsSo for now, let's see what happens for now.

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