WickedLiquid is Nuthin

This thread is full of mass confusion
but if I look past this illusion
and into the world of it's delusion
you'll see, like I do, the simple conclusion

Dan was pissed off at the WL
So he decided to make his life a miserable hell
Maybe it was GRumble that made Dan shout and yell?
Or Dan bought bad blood Wicked was willing to sell?

Now what we had was a rap battle of wits
except everyone's skills were repugnantly sick
i mean that in a bad way incase you are thick
The rapping felt like a Carrot Top shtick.

SO BLACKSTAR stepped up to represent the forum
because Chris isn't here to spit his euphonium
So step back Ugh, can't you see that you're boring em?
Sit back have a smoke, I think my pack still has four in em.

Dan and Wicked, like M Scott and Dwight
look at each other, see the wrong from the right
we can sit here all day and watch the online fight
or you two can hug it out, and we'd applaud at the sight

For life is too short to be upset over GRumble
even though I'm not winning I'm still acting humble
I'd still like to point out that the game is a jumble
of dimwits not voting for me while my rank tumbles.
*bows to honorable blackstar*

All you dim wits and lamos,
Misfits and gaylords,
And everybody who thinks they can jingle in a rhyme word

It's the return of the madness, slice you like a predator
Put you back into ashes, downvote you like a redditor


I can't fucking do this anymore, ugh
Ladies and gentleman, a white man has taken the stage. I repeat, a white man has taken the stage.

You can hear the gasp and feel the pause
Like a little happy tree just destroyed Bob Ross
Or your whacking in your office and in walks the boss
And he says "Don't stop" and you're just at a loss

See everyone by now knows how this goes
It'll probably suck more cocks than he blows
Or your mind will be in chunks at the end of his shows
And he'll leave you staggering like a drunk out of Moes

So let's start at the top and work to the bottom
I got power like the man fucking Hillary Rodham
More blast packed than the drugs that I bought him
Got more hate than Saddam when we fought 'em

Let's start with Daniel, who helped make me all that I am
He thrust a whole world's of power in my hand
He is my maker, my king, my god, my Shazam
And I take him down, like I am his Black A-dam

His rhymes are simply and completely great
In Bizarro wold, where Tiki God his completely straight
It looks like scraps from another man's plate
Probably taken when they went out on a date

And Ugh, my respect for you constantly grows
Just like a tumor, that spreads from my head to my toes
Or like a river you see that constantly flows
After the neighbor's septic tank breaks and it blows

But with Black Star, I cannot diss worth heck
Oh wait, let's just hold on one sec
So pussy-whipped he had to defect
To a land that can't say "about" correct

You see, I am the boss and the master
Every city you walk, my face is everywhere plastered
I call your girls "Sonic" when they beg me to go faster
And then she cries when she sees me and I walk right past her

I am the epitome of all that's style and grace
I never back up and have to try and save face
Because in the end, my greatness will never debase
And if you rise against me I'll put you in your place

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