Why Shouldn't Obama Be President?

What do you consider the prevailing reason for why Obama should not be president?

  • He's black.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He doesn't appreciate trolls.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Yeah, no foregin policy experience. But the alternative is another Republican presidency or a woman who actually spent tax dollars to investigate Hot Coffee. She will be everyone's tech-knowledgeless mom, only she'll have the entire nation's tax dollars to throw into investigating where her AOL (why doesn't she just use Explorer) went when it's minimized.

Hardly the reason not to vote for someone. But it does give you a taste.
Realisticly, he has been sort of vague on his foreign policies, and the lack of experience might be a problem in the long run. On the plus side tghough, many ametuers like Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt did good jobs, so who knows what will happen in the end.
He'll learn fast. Besides, I would put not being a complete fucking scumbag above experience any day.
Boringman nailed it. According to my bro, Bro. Randy, his middle name is "Hussein". 'Nuff said.
I'm a Troll warrior and I don't want to have a president that doesn't appreciate my my craftsmanship in tailoring just because of my skin color, or race, or faction, or ear length!
You have me to thank for that, I turned it all serious and stuff...

And shame on you, purposely making a topic just to get it locked. What would Obama have to say about that?
TheNesMan said:
StalfrosCC said:

That is my only knock against him.
Seems to be the most popular reason against Obama becoming president and it certainly makes sense.

Yeah, he is only a first term senator. You can see what lack of experience got us after September 11th and I'd rather somebody who knows how to do some politicking leading the nation.

I'd say John Edwards might be that guy for the DNC however he isn't getting any of the primaries. I think a Edwards/Obama ticket would be one I'd vote for, but if he gets the Nomination for the Presidency then I'll vote for him.

No matter what I am not voting republican. Even if Ron Paul is the silver haired Jesus. They had their chance to run our country in both the house, senate and executive branch and all they did was run it into the ground.

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