What game brought you into gaming?

The very first few games that I remember sucking me into the realm of gaming for as long as I live have been Heavy Barrel, XEXYZ, the Legend of Zelda, and Final Fantasy.

Ah, freaking Xenophobe.
I'd probably have to say Doom, or Donald Duck on Commodore 64. My mum was a bit of a gamer, being a young mother, and she tended to get me to play games with her alot. So I found myself boogying to Commodore 64 or getting the crap scared out of me playing Doom.

It's tough to cope with when you're like 5, or so. I was only a young chap.
Super Mario, for the original Gameboy. I won it in some contest in school, and it was awesome. Then I went over to a friend's house and they had an N64 with Mario Kart and Goldeneye. I was hooked.
Goin to grandma's house and pickin up that Nintendo controller, poping in some Super Mario Bros or Baseball .. like 2012 or somethin...ahh good times.
Super Mario All Stars and Donkey Kong 2: Diddy's Kongquest... still two of my favorite games.
Mario Bros, Batman, Robocop, Excitebike, Contra, Doom.

Ah..I remember my aunt bringing her laptop and discovering Doom and Civilization I. Good times, knowing nothing because I was what, 6?
Ive been around video games my whole life. My mom bought an intellivision and a NES.. and she bought a SNES and Game gear for me.. i played all of those since i could walk..

but i didnt start REALLY looking into rarer games, game systems, etc. a LOT till i got a PS2... in 2003.
Duckhunt and the First Mega Man for the NES.

I remember begging my parents to buy a NES.

They never did. :cry:
I remember playing on my parents Apple II E clone. My mom programmed a game for me where when you pressed a key, a shape would pop onto the screen. Damn, that was so entertaining for a toddler. Other than that, I loved Tetris on the original Gameboy. When I saved up enough money to buy myself a NES, it was game over. Hooked for life.

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