What game brought you into gaming?

NinjaWrr said:
Mojomike232 said:
The Secret of Monkey Island, still one of the best games ever. My favourite of the series was The Curse of Monkey Island, though.

OMG! dude, same here...

I didn't have any games or even a system to play them on, because I grew up in a lower income area; but a friend of mine had a computer and he got that game with it, and we used to play that all the time untill he got a gensis for his birthday.

Nice dude.

I remember my dad got this old DOS computer when I was little, and he got Monkey Island, Ecosaurus, and some Sesame Street game, and like every day him and I would play Monkey Island on that old DOS, that was such a tight game.
I doní¢â‚¬â„¢t know exactly what game and what system also I think I was 5 or 3 when I played my first. I am guessing if it was Sega genesis Ghoulsí¢â‚¬â„¢N Ghosts, but if it was Nintendo it was Skate or Die 1-2 or Double Dragon 1-2, if it was Atari it would have been one of the Pit Falls..
For consoles it was Alex the kid - Sega

It was probably a cross between my Star Trek game (that runs in DOS :P) and the Need for Speed that got me into PC games.

I still enjoy going to the arcade and playing Street Fighter and Time Crisis 3 :D
I swear I posted in this topic before...

Well, Sonic was the very first game I played, but I was only 2 or 3 at the time (my dad tells me I just made Sonic run to the left, then I started crying). By the time I was 4 we'd bought Super Mario World with the SNES, and later got Super Castlevania IV, which was the game that got me into this addiction.
My first game was Duck Hunt but the game that really got me into gaming was Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and every since then I've been a big Sonic fan.
Both Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr arcade games, as well as Plaque Attack and Dig Dug for the Atari 2600.
Where's the arcade love?! Arcades were major in the US right before the NES bomb.
Remember Toobin'? Remember the tabletop Galaga at the Pizza Inn? Remember the Duck Hunt coin-op? No, not the small cabinet, but the large wide screen setup with the canopy?! (It exists!!)
Remember when Sega released that pos Time Traveler? ..

RIP Arcades

Mario's Cement Factory owns you.
^ Arcades are still alive and kicking here!

It could just be that I live in Asia town but we have an arcade close by that is very much alive and well. I go there with my best friend Candace to kick her butt at Time Crisis.....and then she kicks mine at Street Fighter :(
i miss this game :cry:

It was when the NES came out. I had a lot of games and i'm not sure which one got me hooked but my favorite ones were:

Ice Hockey
Super Mario Bros 3
DuckHunt (loved using the gun)
My very first game system was a Sega Genesis. On that system, my first game was Earthworm Jim II. That was the game that really got me into it. Good times. Sometimes you can still catch me screaming at those damn UFO's trying to take my cows away...
I had a C64 back in the day, probably around the mid 90's, I had loads of games (the cassettes would sell for around 50p!) but I remember the Kirby games with fondness. After that I got a SNES with the obvious games, all the Marios (I had the bumper cartridge with them all on), Mortal Kombat 2 and 3, Street Fighter... ah, memories.

Well, I wasn't an old school gamer. Probably the thing that got me into gaming was that I was at a friend's house and this other kid who had just gotten a new dreamcast and Sonic Adventure came over. We played Sonic Adventure the entire night and beat it, because we didn't have a VMU or whatever the memory card.

Those were good times.

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