What age did you first start playing games?

As long as I can remember I've been a gamer. My first memory is playing Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, and Ninja Giaden. My Arcade was a local store (one that sold pop and candy and food, before Wal-Mart and major gas stations killed them) where I played Space Invaders and Killer Instinct while my dad played pool. The smell of sweat and ass and cigarettes reminds my of my childhood because of arcades.
I can't give an exact number, but... I remember first getting a Nintendo Entertainment System when I was five, it was a joint Christmas present for my two older brothers and I.

I'm pretty sure we had an Atari too... I have very vague memory of playing this game that was like Space Invaders, but wasn't... we also have the Atari gear lying around in the house.

I'm going to guess... maybe since I was three or four years old?

When I was a kid I was absolutely fascinated by video games. Could barely play them for crap when I was really young, but I loved to watch other people play games. I've always been a very arty and visual person so... when I was a kid, it was all about the visuals. Watching someone game was like watching cartoons or a TV show. :)
Funny how identical our stories are everyone. I myself have memories from about 2 or 3 playing Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt and walking right up to the screen with gun lol. From NES it just continued on from there. I never owned NES but my neighbor had both SNES and NES. Dad would also rent NES with Mario 3 from vid store occasionally. When I was about 4 my Dad won a SEGA GENESIS at horse race or something. It was hot shit at the time and came with SONIC 2. Had great memories with SEGA CHANNEL when I was about 7.
My mom had a NES and played the classics back in the day. Mostly either Super Mario or Friday the 13th. I got a Sega Genesis for my 5th birthday back in 93' that was bundled with Sonic 2 but I also got Jurassic Park and Mortal Kombat II. I played Sonic 2 and Jurassic Park a lot but I played MK II religiously. That's where my gaming really started.
We had a nintendo when I was 8, it was a console from japan, and I have a game that comes with it and its donkey kong, I dont like that game so i need to borrow Super Mario then.
3 years old is when time they game me the first gameboy ever and a family computer. Around 20 years ago. My first fighting game was street fighter, tetris on gameboy, and first RPG was Final Fantasy 1 as far as I can remember that lead me to my dream as a game developer while looking at the credits.
3 yrs old? You can't possibly remember that? My first videogame had to be this guy.

I think I was 4 or max five when I started playing video games and it become my passion and obsession when I got 8 and it still exists up till now.
I was five or six year old when I started playing video games. I obviously didn´t know so much of the video games or the consoles. Never the less I wanted to have somekind of PC. Unfortynately those things were more expensive back then. So my dad bought 8-bit nintendo for me (it was someones old). :)
I wasn´t interested in games until high school. So it took long time before the worlds of the games illuminated me. Now, however, I´m active player... and I´m not turning back to the paths of darkness.
I feel like we always had a gaming console in the house, so I always have a memory of gaming, starting with the Atari 2600. I won my NES in a raffle at school in 4th grade, got an SNES for Christmas when I was in 7th or 8th grade, eventually moved up to a PC while in high school, then a Playstation in college. Got a PS2 when I graduated and since then I bought a PS3 during the first year they were out and then won a PS4 from Taco Bell which I got a couple of days before they were on sale, which was amazing!

I do have some luck, now and then. :)

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