What age did you first start playing games?

used44 said:
Stick around the forums and maybe you'll get a sense for our intense camaraderie that allows for such bad/mean jokes.

Or go write a review for Unreal Tournament, whatever.

I have been around the forums for quite a few years, but there is an overabundance of jerks here (in the past couple of years). I can understand you were joking, but some of these guys (mainly the newer ones) get seriously butt hurt if you don't agree with their opinion and will have like 10 page arguments with you. I can't stand that. My guess is that they are probably 10-15.

I also forgot to mention that I DID have a computer when I was a kid...well the family did. My martial arts instructor did welding on the side with my dad and gave us their old Packard Bell (before it was HP) and the thing couldn't even run 3D Ultra Mini-Golf. Even on low settings the thing stuttered like crazy but we played it anyway. I can't remember any of the specs, but it did have Windows 3.1. After a year we upgrade to a (at the time) top of the line computer with a 400MHz CPU (Pentium II) (CPU card mind you not the micro processors), 128MB of RAM, 8GB HDD, 8MB SVGA GPU, and wait for it...WINDOWS 98!!!. Plus an Olympus digital camera and one of the very first Wacom tablets.
Haa Haa Used ia a douche bag.

Seriously though, my earliest memory is about 5/6. What else can you remmeber when you were 2?
MattAY said:
Haa Haa Used ia a douche bag.

Seriously though, my earliest memory is about 5/6. What else can you remmeber when you were 2?

Some people are different. I only have two other memories at that age and they were pretty bad. I know I'm not making it up because when I got old enough to tell someone they confirmed it for me. The other memories were bad, I don't want to put a damper on this fine and intellectual conversation we have going here.
I have memories of me crawling out of my crib and getting under my twin sisters crib laying on my back to put my feet up underneath the mattress. Then I would bounce her around in it to be annoying.

I was kinda a ornery child, but I do have a few select memories from when I was really really young. Also only have one memory of my parents being together when I was 1. I remember they were fighting. I guess everyone just has different memories capabilities at different ages, and maybe things happening in their lives makes them mark memories.
We had also had a PC that my uncle gave my parents but I'm not familiar enough with it anymore to know if the games were DOS or whatever. I just remember Avoid the Noid and a few others.
MattAY said:
Haa Haa Used is a douche bag.

Seriously though, my earliest memory is about 5/6. What else can you remember when you were 2?
I also remember my brother being born, and playing outside one day.

But mostly I remember playing NES.
I played and beat Super Mario Bros on the NES when I was 3. I do have witnesses, like my whole family knows.
When I was two or three I would climb on top of my dad's car and jump off, and he would catch me. And then he went into the kitchen, and it didn't register in my head that he wouldn't be there to catch me when I jumped.

I don't remember anything else after that.

But when did I start? Around age 4 on my uncle's Atari 2600.
I remember, some point before five (since that's when we moved), playing on the good ol' Commodore.

The first gaming thing that I could say was properly mine was the gameboy, of course. We were so lucky, my brothers and I, to each have one of our own. My life was dedicated to that thing, and hours and hours in the car with link cables. :)
As many of you know, I'm half-Japanese. But the jarring reality of the situation is...though my birthmother is Japanese, she actually conceived me with a Brazilian Atari joystick. So I win...because I am half-console since in utero.
When I was a 7 month old fetus I can recall having a dream involving random colours. Shortly after I was born, (probably 2 weeks old) I remember watching my 9 year old cousin playing Super Mario Bros on the NES. The red character Mario running along the blue background rekindled my dream when I was a fetus. I remember it was the first time I felt nostalgic as I remembered being in the womb.

By the fully grown age of 7 months I was playing Super Mario Bros, although I wasn't very good and spent most of the time sucking on the controller.

At age 1 I had played through the majority of NES games at the time. I couldn't talk but I remember thinking Gee I wonder if there will ever be a Super Mario Bros 3?

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