What game brought you into gaming?

god the first game that brought me into gameing thats a hard one lets see i have to say the original zelda and original mario good times.
i think mario 3 on the nes or excite bike, or Zelda. I have always been a huge gamer, ever since i can remember. i used to have a subscription to nintendo power loved that mag. but then the internet came.but the best game of all time is zelda link to the past.
I hate when people use 'gaming' as a verb. I guess it makes sense, I just think it sounds akward. I once had this neighbor come up to me and ask "Do you game?"

I was like... what?
Sonic The Hedgehog 2.

I was at a person's house, and their son was playing it. Up until that point, the existance
of video games hadn't really registered with me. But watching that game was enough.
Then he let me play it. Chemical Plant Zone, I think it was. I died rapidly. But was truly hooked.
I didn't ask any questions, my dad was working at the Wiz at the time, I think, and one day he came home with a Playstation and a bag full of games. Like 10 or more. It had face off '97, some cartoon racing game, Bushido something, Die Hard, another fighting game, a WWF game, all the old ass original playstation games. Too old to remember, most of them are sold, missing, or broke. God, I bet he regrets getting me those games now.... :D
It must've been on Commodore 64 when we got it, but I don't really know what game... maybe some "homebrewed" card games or the Return of Jedi.

Sort of feel like digging it up again to play Gianna Sisters, Ninja or some classics like that... but I never get around to.
I can't truely remember the first game I played, twas so long ago.

I think it was eitheeeer.


Or Duke Nukem 3D
I'm 19 Years Old, and i can still remember my first Game, my dad still had a Commador 64, and my first ever game was Ghostbusters,
I remember my dad went to buy a computer and got ripped off (the clerk told him to forget IBM-compatible PC and Apple Mac because MSX was the future) and brought home a brand new Toshiba MSX and centipede...

I remember playin centipede for hours on end. Then I got a Sega Master System with Battle Outrun, Super Monaco GP and Transbot.

Me and my brother refused to believe that transbot (a transformers rip off shoot em up) just looped round forever, we were sure there'd be an ultimate boss at some point and then ending credits. I think we managed 3 days of play takig it in shifts and pausing it over night before we had to admit we might be wrong.

Good times...

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