

I have yet to meet a vegan that does not reinforce my stereotype I have of them and their lifestyle. It seems every one I meet has to throw it in your face how they're vegan and meat of any kind is wrong. There's this one friend of mine who on on facebook frequently posts preachy memes about meat being wrong and has to have a #veganlife on almost every post dealing with food. The odd thing is I don't see this kind of behaviour with vegetarians, only vegans. Maybe I only see it because I'm looking for it and I'm a horrible person but honestly - Good for you that you have the discipline to not eat meat. Now let me enjoy my tri tip that I paid more than I should have for.

With that rant out of the way, are any of you vegan? Do you come across the exact same behaviour from non-vegans? Those who constantly try to question your life style?
De-Ting said:
My mom has to be a vegan, or she'd die.

So yeah.

See that's a little different. I'm sure she's not preaching to the world about how much she loves being a vegan. If you don't mind me asking what kind of condition does she have?
Green_Lantern said:
You're trying too hard Lethean.

No. I was literally just on Facebook right before I made this post and the guy had made I think his 3rd post of the day about being vegan so I came here to vent. If this is the type of shit that counts for the thread a day challenge then Longo has low standards for us.
Lethean said:
De-Ting said:
My mom has to be a vegan, or she'd die.

So yeah.

See that's a little different. I'm sure she's not preaching to the world about how much she loves being a vegan. If you don't mind me asking what kind of condition does she have?
She's allergic (or severely intolerant) to meat and dairy. She has no problem feeding us such things, though. And although she is very supportive of animal rights, she's not about to send chain letters to anyone or pick up a sign.
De-Ting said:
Lethean said:
De-Ting said:
My mom has to be a vegan, or she'd die.

So yeah.

See that's a little different. I'm sure she's not preaching to the world about how much she loves being a vegan. If you don't mind me asking what kind of condition does she have?
She's allergic (or severely intolerant) to meat and dairy. She has no problem feeding us such things, though. And although she is very supportive of animal rights, she's not about to send chain letters to anyone or pick up a sign.

That has to be rough. Dairy is relatively easy to cut out but when you have to remove meat as well I imagine it could feel somewhat limiting. It's nice that she isn't so allergic she can't cook it or be around it.

I find it funny when parents get upset about not being able to give their kids nuts or peanut butter based snacks at their kids school. I want to tell them to get out of their bubble but really, they wouldn't listen.
I have never met a Vegan here in the midwest. Maybe I don't live in that part of the city.

Most the people I know from Chico CA are too busy with partying or surviving to worry about vegan-ism.
I've never actually met a "vegan".

I have a few friends who are vegetarians, but that's about it.

Not gonna lie but in all honesty, I have one friend who is... a bit of a strange vegetarian. They don't eat meats and such, which is fine, but they refuse to eat fruit or vegetables. They eat A LOT of sweet and sugary food, which isn't good at all. When this person comes out to dinner with everyone it can be annoying. Because of their choice of food (e..g don't eat meat because they're vegetarian, don't eat fruits/veggies because they're picky and stubborn) they have very limited choice on the menu.

"Where should we go for dinner?" "Oh I can't eat <here>. I can't eat <here> either. Not <at this place> either."

Sourdeez said:
I have never even been inside of a whole foods.

I'd say you're missing out but really, you're not. I mean, the interior is nice, the food is pretty great...Actually you kind of are! Go there for a relatively decent beer selection. Unless there's a decent beer selection where you shop. What state are you in anyways?

New Seasons (an Oregon based grocery store) is overrated though. Too pricey. Trader Joe's is where it's at!

We have A LOT of liquor stores here in St Louis.

I live cheap and the nearest whole foods is 20 miles away from where I live. Trader Joes is also that far.

Maybe after college I will be living down there.
Sourdeez said:

We have A LOT of liquor stores here in St Louis.

I live cheap and the nearest whole foods is 20 miles away from where I live. Trader Joes is also that far.

Yeah...As much as I like Whole Foods it certainly isn't cheap and driving 20 miles only to spend what you would there wouldn't make much sense economically for a student.
Sourdeez said:

We have A LOT of liquor stores here in St Louis.

I live cheap and the nearest whole foods is 20 miles away from where I live. Trader Joes is also that far.

Maybe after college I will be living down there.

I can confirm since I work there and have never seen dat ass.

I employ and work with vegans. They can be annoying as fuck. They can be normal too.
I always imagine that the ones that can't practice quietly are just trying to justify it verbally with every person they meet. I've met some vegans that get on your case over what you eat, but most of them have only spoken up if asked.
My mom sent me this text a couple of weeks ago:

It was completely out of the blue and I still don't know the reasoning behind it or why it was warranted.
^ Haha! Souns like a traumatic experience!?

I can imagine some types being, "hey, has that fork ever touched beef or beaten an egg? Sorry, no can do"

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